
Unit 5 Our School Part A 课件(共24张)+素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:50次 大小:11144330Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 5 Our school 陕旅版四年级上册 图书馆 This is the library. 花 园 This is the garden. 操 场 The playground is big. 洗手间 Where is the toilet? 电 脑 There are many new computers. 办公室 This is teachers’ office. 大门;门口 Where is the school gate? Where is your school? What do you have in your school? What do you have in your school? We have a playground, a library and many classrooms. Play roles library garden playground toilet teachers’ office school gate Look! Those are our classrooms. Is there a teachers’ office? Yes, there is. Is there a library? Yes. There is a small library. Are there any computers in the library? No, there aren’t. 1. Those are our classrooms.那些是我们的教室。 those意为“那些”,是that(那;那个)的复数形式,指较远的人或事物。 those(那些)的对应词是these(这些) 那些是什么? What are those? 2.Is there a teachers' office? 有教师办公室吗? 名词所有格teachers' 的意思是“教师们的”。名词所有格由“名词+'s ”构成,表示“……的”。 一个女孩的书 a girl's book 女孩子们的书 the girls' book 3. Are there any computers in the library? 图书馆里有电脑吗? there be句型的一般疑问句就是将be提到句首,且首字母改为大写,句中如果有some则要变成any,句末用问号。 肯定答语为:Yes,there is / are. 否定答语为:No,there isn’t / aren’t. there be句型的一般结构与用法: 肯定句: “There + be+某人/某物(+地点).”表示“某处有……”。 be动词要和紧随其后的名词在数上保持一致。 我们班有五十名学生。 There are fifty students in my class. 否定句: “There +be +not(any)/no+某人/某物 (+地点).”表示“某处没有……”。 这里一个人也没有。 There is no one here. 一般疑问句: “Be +there +某人/某物(地点)?”表示“某处有……吗?”。 房间里有桌子吗? Is there a table in the room? 一、单项选择。 ( )1.____ is a garden. A. That B. Those C. These ( )2.____ there a teachers' office? A. Are B. Is C. Be ( )3. This is a ____ office. A. teacher B. teachers C. teachers' A B C ( )4.Are there ____ computers in the library? A. some B. any C. a ( )5. What's in ____ school? A. you B. he C. your B C 二、看图判断句意于图片是(√)否(×)相符。 ( )1.There is a library in our school. ( )2.Those are some computers. ( )3.The garden is big. ( )4.They are on the playground. ( )5.There is a little water in it. √ × × × √

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