
Unit 6 Movies and Theater 中考素养提升试题(Word版附答案)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:69次 大小:31905Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 复习检测 时间:60分钟   满分:100分 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 1. I think Liu Tao is one of the best   in China. I like her acting very much.? A. doctors B. teachers C. actresses D. workers 2. The hazy weather has a great effect   our daily life.? A. of B. to C. on D. in 3. Be careful! Don't walk on the grass,  it will "cry".? A. and B. but C. or D. so 4. The 2022 Winter Olympic Games  in China. I'm sure it will be a great success.? A. hold B. will hold C. were held D. will be held 5.—Where is Mr. Brown? —He has gone to Australia. He   there last year.? A. has been B. has gone C. went D. goes 6. We will provide the best  for you. This sentence means that we will try our best to   you.? A. serve; serve B. service; serve C. service; service D. serve; service 7. That boy often lies to us.   he says to us, we can't believe him.? A. Wherever B. Whoever C. However D. Whatever 8.—Do you often watch movies during the weekends? —No, I   watch movies, but I do love watching plays.? A. almost B. seldom C. only D. still 9. A baby's first month birthday is a special event in China and   with a special party.? A. is celebrated B. is celebrating C. was celebrated D. celebrates 10. We should study hard   we can get much knowledge.? A. when B. so that C. unless D. in order to 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)   Wu Jing was born on April 3rd, 1974 in Beijing. He won the National Wushu Championship at the age of 8. When he was 14, he was not able to move his legs. 11  the help of his mother and his strong will, he  12  up again and became famous as a movie star.?   In 2015, a film about modern military warfare(军事战争), Wolf Warrior, directed by Wu Jing  13  a big success. He played the role of Leng Feng, an excellent  14 , who defeated a group of foreign mercenaries(雇佣兵). The words "I fight for China" made my heart filled with  15 .?   Two years later, Wolf Warrior Ⅱ 16  many people's eye and made Wu Jing more famous  17  before. As the director and main role, he tried his best to make the new film  18 . More and more people went into the movie theatres not only because of the great scenes of the film, but also because of their love for the country. What's more, it was also a good  19  for our Army's 90th birthday.?   Let's remember "When you are in danger overseas(国外), do not  20 !The strong motherland always brings you back."? 11. A. With B. By C. Under D. At 12. A. went B. stood C. thought D. woke 13. A. happened B. kept C. won D. beat 14. A. director B. star C. doctor D. soldier 15. A. joy B. pride C. sadness D. honesty 16. A. watched B. paid C. caught D. saw 17. A. than B. as C. with D. on 18. A. perfect B. possible C. pretty D. important 19. A. fiction B. message C. card D. gift 20. A. wake up B. give up C. put up D. pick up 三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)   第一节:阅读下面一篇短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用"A"表示,不符合的用"B"表示。 A   Disney has made many cartoon movies. ... ...

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