
Module 4 Unit 10 Numbers Period 1 课件(18张PPT,内嵌视频)+教案(评价与反思)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:98次 大小:46346141Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Sing a song Module 4 The world around us Numbers 10 Oxford English Period 1 Meeting Uncle Li Uncle Li Kitty Hello I'm Kitty,this is my uncle, Mr Li. Today is my uncle's birthday!There is a big party.Do you want to join(参加)with us? Hello, boys and girls, nice to meet you. Welcome to our party! Now,let's take this van with big windows to my castle. Number Do you like my Number Castle?Come in,please. Then you need to do some tasks. Task1:Let's learn Work in group Let's spell four six two nine eight ten one three five seven Let's say Very good! two+ six=_____. ten - six =_____. two×three=_____. nine÷three=_____. ten÷two=____. seven+one= _____. eight four six three five eight Task2: Let's do the math Well done! Let’s chant Let's keep these in mind How much? 1/one yuan 5/five yuan 10/ten yuan 20/twenty yuan 50/fifty yuan 100/one hundred yuan Let's count! Task3:Look and write Greet! book(s) ruler(s) rubber(s) schoolbag(s) desk(s) chair(s) 9 5 16 6 8 10 Look at our classroom.Work in pairs. How many…? (blackboard/fan/window/light/door) What? How many...(s)? Let's play Good job!Let's enjoy my cake! Goodbye!See you next time! Guess,how many things are in the bag? Numbers around us Road numbers Phone numbers Bus numbers Money numbers Car numbers Room numbers More to know 114 120 119 110 Do you know these numbers and any stories about them? There is love in the world. Homework Do a survey: Ask your friends: How many…? 用“How many…?”调查身边物品的数量。 2.Find more numbers around us. 发现身边更多与数字相关的事物。 3.Draw some picture of numbers. 画一画数字。3A Module4 Unit10 Numbers (Period1)课前习 door pencil The world around us 灯基 本 信 息 学段科目 英语 教材版本 沪教版 单元主题 Module4 The world around us 课题名称 Unit10 Numbers 学校名称 授课班级 设计主持 团队成员 《 3AM4 Unit10 Numbers 》单元教学设计通用模板(学科: 英语 ) 教学目标设计 教 学 内 容 概 述 课标 要求 1.掌握本单元的核心词汇。 2.能用How many...?来向他人询问数量。 3.能用“数字+名词”来描述数量。 4.能正确书写字母Uu,Vv和Ww。 5.能正确书写本单元的核心词汇和核心句型。 6.能用英语数数。 一年级上册Unit7Let’s count开始学习数字,后来在学习介绍自己或者他人的时候学生要学会用数字表达年龄。三年级上册Unit7的一些名词,如door,window,blackboard,和Unit8的水果名词也是涉及学习数词和名词复数。Unit10Numbers这单元就要让学生在现实生活和学习中正确使用数字数数,以及对数字的出现从听觉和视觉快速反应和判断。本单元有Listen and say,Look and learn,Play a game,Say and act,Read and trace,Learn the letters六大部分组成。Listen and say部分是句型How many...?的对话操练;Look and learn是数字1-10的单词;Play a game是句型How many...?的练习;Say and act是数数小故事;Read and trace部分是复习数字的书写;Learn the letters是复习Uu,Vv和Ww三个字母及学习他们的发音。 教材 分析 学 情 需 要 分 析 认知 基础 1.学生在前面两年的学习中有学习数字,比如询问年龄和介绍自己或他人的时候,对1-10的说数字非常熟悉,但超过这个数字就不能说上来了。 2.学生认识和会说单个数字的单词,但 ... ...

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