
Unit 5 Children's Day Lesson 18 课件(64张ppt)

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:38次 大小:59468066Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT FIVE CHILDREN’S DAY (5) 英语 三年级下册 Let’s watch and say. have a party with friends play the piano dance together get gifts go for lunch have a picnic fly a kite go shopping go to the cinema cinema read books Children’s Day 安全框内 What did you do this Children’s Day? Did you…? funfair Hall of mirrors funfair (游乐场) 入口 出口 Hall of mirrors Roller coaster Hit a fruit to win Merry-go-round funfair (游乐场) What happened? (发生了什么事?) 安全框内 happy upset (不开心的) scared (害怕的) What’s the name of the story? Who is the girl? Who is the man next to her? Where did she go at the funfair? Why was she upset and scared in the story? Frances Ridley 著 Teri Gower 绘 安全框内 Who is the girl? Who is the man next to her? Where did she go at the funfair? Why was she upset and scared in the story? Where did Rebecca go at the funfair? ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Let’s watch,think and number. 安全框内 Frances Ridley 著 Teri Gower 绘 安全框内 安全框内 安全框内 安全框内 安全框内 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 1 3 4 Let’s watch,think and number. She went to Hall of mirrors . She went to play the game. She went to ride the roller coaster. She went to play Merry-go-round. She went to … Rebecca said (say), … Rebecca looked (look) thin. Rebecca went (go) up. …and started (start) to shout. Rebecca got (get) dogs. Why was she upset and scared in the story? 1.Where did Rebecca go first? Let’s read. 安全框内 Page2-5 What did she say? I want to… 2.Did she enjoy(喜爱) the game? Why or why not? Let’s read. Page 2-5 安全框内 2.Did she enjoy(喜爱) the game? Why or why not? I don’t like this at all. (我一点儿也不喜欢玩这个。) Let’s read. 1.She looked _____. 2.She looked _____. 3.She looked ____. 4.She looked _____. fat thin tall small small tall fat thin Let’s read and choose. 安全框内 upset I want to… I don’t like this at all! fat small looked tall thin Let’s talk. 安全框内 1.Where did she go next? Let’s read. Page6-9 Roller coaster (过山车) What did she say? Can I…? 安全框内 1.Where did she go next? 2.Did she enjoy the game? Why or why not? Let’s read. Page 6-9 安全框内 安全框内 安全框内 1.Where did she go next? 2.Did she enjoy the game? Why or why not? I want to get out. Let’s read. green (发青的) scared (害怕的) shout (大声喊叫) get out (离开) 安全框内 exciting (刺激的) dangerous (危险的) Did Rebecca ride the roller coaster by herself? (丽贝卡是独自乘坐过山车吗?) 安全框内 scared Can I…? I want to get out! shout green up down Let’s talk. 1.Where did she go after that? 2.Did she enjoy the game? Why or why not? Let’s read. Page 10-12 1.Where did she go after that? 2.Did she enjoy the game? Why or why not? Let’s read. Hit a fruit to win Page 10-12 1.Where did she go after that? 2.Did she enjoy the game? Why or why not? Let’s read. This game is really fun! … Yes! I like this game! happy I want to… I like …! cats a bear got sweets dogs Let’s talk. 安全框内 Was the old lady ... ...

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