
四年级下册Unit 12 Review 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:40次 大小:10416Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题 Unit 12 Review 课型 新授 内容、学情分析 本节课复习各个单元的语音学习内容。 教 学 目 标 知识技能 1 复习本学期的主要语音词汇、发音规律,及主要句型、词汇。2 培养学生形成基本的拼读策略,具备简单的英语对话能力。 过程方法 愉快教学法、讲练结合法 情感态度价值观 发现规律,增强学习自信心 教学重点 本学期的语音词汇、主要句型、词汇 教学难点 语音词汇的掌握 板书设计 Unit 12 Review ow ou oy oi or oor o air ear are oo 课前准备:课件 卡片 教学过程:(步骤,教师活动,学生活动,设计目的) Ⅰ Warm-up: Let′s sing. Ⅱ Presentation 1 Review sounds Have the children turn to page 8. Show you copy of the page. Point to the row of pictures illustrating /ow/ words. Say the words and have the children repeat after you. Repeat the procedure for the pictures illustrating /oi/, /or/, /air/, and /oo/ words on respective pages. (复习语音引导学生在理解的基础上注意发音的特点。) 2 Listen for sounds Direct the children′s attention to the top of the page. Show your copy of the page and point to the first picture. Ask, “What color is the cow?” Elicit, “It′s brown.” Ask similar questions for the other pictures to elicit the following words: boys and toys (picture b); four doors (picture c); bears, eating, and pears (picture d); cookies and book (picture e); bird and turtle (picture f). Play the first sentence on the tape and have the children repeat the words before they point to the correct picture in their books. Repeat the procedure for the other five pictures. Play the tape again. This time have the children repeat the words and then number the pictures after they hear the sentences on the tape. (引导学生以练习中的单词为例,整体总结字母的发音规律,巩固、掌握。注意区分发音容易混淆的字母,让学生在练习中归纳、总结。 3 Choose and write Tell them that the words in the fish have the same sounds with the words in the small circles. Point to the word moon and read it aloud to the children. Then point to the fish in the center, and read the words one by one to the children. Ask them point to the words that have the same /oo/ sound as in the word moon. Have the children write the words in the circle. Repeat with the other words in the fish. (通过练习,纠正学生的发音,考察学生掌握的程度。) Ⅲ Practice 1 Review the weather Review the weather flashcards. Hold up the flashcard for snowy, and elicit “It′s snowy.” from the children. Repeat with the other flashcards. Tell the children that they are going to play a charade game. Call a child to the front. The teacher shows the child a flashcard. The child must past the message through body language to other children. The other children guess what the flashcard is by using “It′s…” Continue the game with all the other weather flashcards. (复习天气通过游戏来巩固有关天气的词汇及主要句型。) 2 Talk together Point to the first picture and ask, “Who are they?” Elicit, “Ken, Ann, and Mocky.” Then ask, “Is it sunny?” Elicit, “No, it′s going to rain.” Model the sentences in the first dialog and have the children repeat the sentenc ... ...

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