
Unit 4 Lesson 22 Surprise! 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:60次 大小:35328Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Li Goes Home Lesson 22 Surprise! 教材分析 本节课是第四章的第四节内容,以为了李明举办的惊喜派对作为引入,来让学生学习英语的一些重要语法和短语。 教学目标 【知识目标】 学生能够掌握make sth.制作…这一短语,以及went是go的过去式,bought是buy的过去式这两个重要的过去式的变换。 【能力目标】 指导学生能够使用本节课的重点短语以及本节课学到的过去式的变换。 【情感目标】 帮助学生能够根据自己所学的知识,与自己的朋友同学交流,进而增加自己与他人的交流与感情。 教学重难点 【教学重点】 指导学生掌握make的用法以及重要动词的过去式的变化。 【教学难点】 学生能够熟练掌握制作各种东西的英语说法。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程 Step 1. Greetings and warm-up activities Please describe the picture. Do you have a surprise party? Step 2. Presentation What抯 it? It抯 a surprise party. It抯 a surprise! What are these? They are cookies. What抯 it? It抯 ice cream. Do you know how to have a surprise party? Mr. Smith knows the party, but Li Ming doesn抰. Danny, Jenny and Steven make a beautiful cake and nine cookies. Kim went to the shop and bought some ice cream. At 3:45, everyone arrives for the party. At 4:00, Li Ming arrives with Mr. Smith. Li Ming opens the door. Step 3. Practice Read the passage again and answer the questions. Does Li Ming go shopping with Mrs. Smith? Is Steven late for the party? Does Kim make the ice cream? Does the party begin at 4:00? Step4. Work in pairs Ask and answer the questions with your partner. Is today Li Ming’s surprise party? Yes. Ask and answer questions as many as you can. Step5 . Summary 1.Danny, Jenny and Steven make a beautiful cake and nine cookies. make sth.制作… 2. Kim went to the shop and bought some ice cream. went是go的过去式,bought是buy的过去式. Step8 . Homework 独立完成P57,Activity 3. Let’s do it!

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