
Unit 2 Lesson 10 Li Ming Tells a Story 教案

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:78次 大小:37376Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Tell Me a Story Lesson 10 Li Ming Tells a Story 教材分析 本节课是第二章的第四节内容,通过李明讲述守株待兔的传统小故事,让孩子们进一步提高用英语讲述故事的能力。 教学目标 【知识目标】 学会讲述守株待兔小故事,注意人称与时态的变化。 掌握本节课出现的动词过去式的变化。 【能力目标】 指导学生用英语讲述守株待兔的故事。 【情感目标】 通过对本课的学习,让学生进一步懂得如何用英语讲述小故事,通过守株待兔的故事,不仅提高学生的英语能力,还教导学生懂得勤劳的重要性。 教学重难点 【教学重点】 如何用英语来讲述守株待兔的故事。 【教学难点】 帮助孩子能够结合自己已学的英语知识和故事传达的道理,不仅能提高自己的英语能力,还能学到勤劳这一传统美德。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程 Step 1. Greetings and warm-up activities Please describe the picture. Do you like to listen to stories? Step 2. Presentation Do you know any famous Chinese stories, Li Ming ? Yes! I know many Chinese stories. Would you like to hear one ? Yes !Yes! Tell us a story ! Okay! I抦 going to tell the story of a farmer and a rabbit. Today, I will tell you a story about a farmer. The story抯 name is A farmer and a rabbit. Long long ago , there was a farmer. He worked hard all the time . One day , As he was working, a rabbit came out of the grass , The rabbit saw the farmer and it was scared . It started to run . The rabbit ran very fast and hit it抯 head on a tree. The rabbit died . The farmer took the rabbit home .He enjoyed wonderful dinner. From then on , he stopped working .Every day, he sat under the tree and waited for another rabbit. He waited and waited , but no rabbits came. And all his crops died . Yes , I understand . The story is over ,Do you understand , Jenny ? Is the farmer clever ? No , he isn抰 . What can you learn from the story ? No pain, no gain . What抯 this? It抯 a rabbit . Step 3. Discussion Read the story again and answer the two questions. 1.Is the farmer clever? What do you think? 2.What can you learn from the story? Step4. Summary farmer; rabbit ; hit ; die ; enjoy. stop doing sth,under the tree,do— did Step5. Homework Rewrite the story in your own words. Share it in our next class.

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