
Unit 3 At the zoo Part A Let’s talk & Draw and say 课件(40张ppt)+教案+素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:100次 大小:51067087Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 At the zoo Part A Let’s talk & Draw and say PEP·三年级下册 Let’s chant Lead in Guess who I am? I have a long nose. I have two big ears and a short tail. Who am I? Guess who I am? I’m white and black. I like eating bamboos! Who am I? Great! Look, it’s a panda. It’s fat. Fat, fat. It’s fat. It’s short. Short, short. It’s short. It’s fat and short. Guess who I am? I’m very tall. I have a long neck and legs. Who am I? giraffe 长颈鹿 It’s so tall ! 这么;那么 so A: Do you like the zoo? What can we see at the zoo? Do you want to know? B: Yes! A: Let’s have a look! Look at the panda. It’s fat and short. What can you see? Look at the bear. It’s so fat. So-so-so , fat-fat-fat , so fat . Look at the giraffe. It’s so tall. So-so-so , tall-tall-tall , So tall . Learn the words “so, tall” by the game: High low voice. Watch and answer Is the giraffe short? No, the giraffe is tall. What do you see? The giraffe! How about the bear? The bear is short and fat. Watch and underline What does Zhang Peng say at the zoo? Wow! It’s so tall! Ha! It’s short and fat! Wow, you’re so beautiful! Wow, it’s so easy! Ha! It’s so funny! Read and play Read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Look at that giraffe. Wow! It’s so tall! Ha! It’s short and fat! A bear! Act out Look and say. A: Look at that _____. B: Wow! It's _____. panda short and fat A: Look at that _____. B: Wow! It's _____. elephant tall and fat A: Look at that _____. B: Wow! It's _____. giraffe tall and thin A: Look at that _____. B: Wow! It's _____. monkey short and thin Sharp eyes Look for the “fat” “tall” or “short” things around you. Describe them by “Look at… Wow!/Ha! It’s so…” For example Look at the trees. Wow! It’s so tall. Look at the bag. Ha! It’s so big. A: Look at the _____. B: Wow! It’s (so) _____. tall fat short small big Bingo Look at the panda. Wow! It’s so fat. A little host Look at the mouse. Wow! It’s so small. Look at the pig. Ha! It’s so fat. Look at my giraffe! It’s tall. Look at my cat! It’s fat. Your picture Draw and say A: What does Chen Jie draw? B: Giraffe! A: Is it short or tall? B: It’s tall. A: How about the cat? B: It’s fat. Look at my _____! It’s _____! monkey short Draw your own pictures Look at my _____! It’s _____! bear fat Look at my _____! It’s _____! elephant fat Enjoy a video Blackboard Design Unit 3 At the zoo Look at that giraffe. Wow! It’s so tall. Look at that bear. Ha! It’s short and fat. Practice the dialogues and describe your picture to your family members. HomeworkUnit 3 At the zoo 教材分析 本单元学习的主题是动物?教学内容主要是围绕教师与孩子们参观动物园的情景来展开的?教学重点是能听?说?认读核心句型“It’s (so) tall/short/… It has…”,能听?说?认读单词“tall, short, fat, thin, big, small, long” 教学目标 知识目标:·能够听懂?会说句型“It’s (so) tall/short/…”·能够认读句型“It’s (so)… It has…”·能够听? ... ...

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