
lesson 1 What is she doing 课件(共35张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:25次 大小:4529976Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson1 What is she doing? 科普版 五年级上 Lesson 1 What is she doing? Lesson1: Vocabulary:词汇 playground [?ple?ɡra?nd] 名词,操场 合成词: play(玩) ground(地面) 发音:ay发/e?/ ou发/a?/ sport [sp??t] 名词,运动 发音:or发/??/ classroom [?klɑ?sru?m] 名词,教室 合成词: class(班级) room(房间) 发音:oo发/u?/ Lesson1: Vocabulary:词汇 centre [?sent?(r)] 名词,中心 扩展: cent 分 tennis [?ten?s] 名词,网球 记忆: ten+nis 短语: play tennis ping-pong [?p?? p??] 名词,乒乓球 发音:n发/?/,g不发音 短语: play ping-pong Lesson1: Vocabulary:词汇 其它词汇 love [l?v] 爱 grandfather [?ɡr?nfɑ???(r)] 爷爷,外公 grandmother [?ɡr?nm???(r)] 奶奶,外婆 next [nekst] 下一个 week [wi?k] 星期 have a match 比赛 Lesson: Vocabulary:词汇检测 根据首字母提示完成句子: 1.She likes s _____. And She is good at running. 2. My grandparents l _____me very much. 3. We have a match in the p _____. 4. I will go for a picnic next w_____. 5. You can play t _____with your classmates after school. Lesson: Vocabulary:词汇检测 答案解析: 1.She likes sports . And She is good at running. 2. My grandparents love me very much. 3. We have a match in the playground. 4. I will go for a picnic next week. 5. You can play tennis with your classmates after school. Lesson: Let’s talk: read and understand L=Lulu, T= Tom L: Hi, Tom! Where is Eve? T: She’s in the classroom. L: What is she doing? T: She’s singing. L: Where are the boys in your class? T: They’re in the playground. L: What are they doing? T: Some are playing football. Some are running. Lesson: Let’s talk 重点讲解 01 Where is Eve? Where are the boys in your class? Where:特殊疑问词,对地点提问,表示“哪里” 主语单数用is, 主语复数用are,主语是you,也用are 经典例题:Where_____(be) your mother? Where _____(be) my books? What is she doing? What are they doing? 现在进行时:be + doing:正在做某事 疑问句结构:特殊疑问词+be+主语+doing+? 经典例题: What is Peter _____(do)? Lulu _____(talk) with Tom now. Lesson: Let’s talk 重点讲解 3. What is she doing? She’s singing. 用现在进行时问,用现在进行时来回答。 经典例题: What are your friends doing? _____(play tennis) Is Mr. Li singing ?(作否定回答)_____ 4. Some are playing football.有些人正在踢足球。 some作为代词,表示有些人,做主语时,谓语动词用复数 经典例题: Some _____dancing, some_____ playing the game. Some _____(play) football every day. Lesson: Let’s talk:趁热打铁 单项选择: _____ are Lulu and Tom? A What B Where C What doing 2. She is _____. A sing B singing C sings 3. They are _____. A running B runing C run 4. What _____ your grandparents doing? --They are watching TV A do B is C are Lesson: Let’s talk:趁热打铁 答案解析: _____ are Lulu and Tom? A What B Where C What doing 2. She is _____. A sing B singing C sings 3. They are _____. A running B runing C run 4. What _____ your grandparents doing? --They are watching TV A do B is C are Lesson: Let’s learn 如示例,根据图片信息,写句子: _____ _____ Lesson: Let ... ...

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