
Lesson 12 Helen Keller 课件(23张,无音频)+视频

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学视频 查看:10次 大小:18991063Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) ?Unit2 Good Health to You Lesson12 Helen Keller 冀教版-六年级英语下册 Time line (时间线) 1986 20 years old 2010 was born(出生) in went to university(大学) became an English teacher 1880 19 months old 1887 20 years old Fast-reading: Tips:快速默读整篇文章———画出Helen对应时间发生的事情。 Time line (时间线) Intensive-reading: She couldn't see anything. She couldn't hear anything. She couldn't speak at all. Helen often got angry. Sometimes, she threw her food from the table. Q2: Why did Helen often get angry? Q1: 根据文本内容及图片信息猜猜“angry”的意思_____. Q3: 翻译划线句子。 生气的 她什么都看不见 She couldn't see anything. She couldn't hear anything. She couldn't speak at all. Watch a Video. One day, Anne took Helen's hand and let her feel the water. She wrote the word “water” on Helen's hand. And Helen got it. Intensive-reading: How did Anne teach Helen Keller? (圈出关键动词) Helen Keller her parents Anne Sullivan hope(希望) Intensive-reading: She learned to _____, _____and _____. When she was _____ years old, she went to _____. Later, she became a great _____. read write speak 20 university writer Tips: 小组讨论然后选代表发言:你从Helen Keller 身上学到了什么?(可以用适当的汉语表达) What did you learn from Helen Keller? We should..... Helen Keller Helen Keller was born in..... When she was 19 months old...... She couldn't ...... In 1887...... She work hard ..... She could...... When she was 20 years old..... ........ 1. Tell the story to your parents. 2. Make your own reading card. Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming of it.———Helen Keller 虽然世界多苦难,但是苦难总是能战胜的。—海伦凯勒 Toward the sun as long as they do not see the shadow. -- Helen Keller 只要朝着阳光,便不会看见阴影。--海伦凯勒

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