
Unit 5 I’m cleaning my room Lesson 26 教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:61次 大小:146238Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching Subject Unit5 I’m cleaning my room. Lesson25 Type New&Integration TeachingObjectives Can listen, speak, read and write the main phrases: make a call,write an email ,wash the clothes,clean the room.2.Can understand the dialogue and use the target language: “ I’m cleaning the room.” 3.To make the students to be interested in English.4.Learn to work in groups. The Key Points&Difficulties Key Points 1.Can listen, speak, read and write the main phrases: make a call,write an email ,wash the clothes,clean the room.Can listen, speak and read the new words: email,clothes.2.Can listen, speak, read and write the main sentence: “ I’m cleaning the room.” 3.Can understand the dialogue and use the target language: “ I’m cleaning the room.” Difficulties Points Can use the main phrases and sentences correctly.I’m/She’s/He’s v-ing. Process and methods 1.Make a situation, design reasonable 2.Teaching activities.3.Cooperative learning.4.Use the target language. Teaching Aids PPTPicture cardsStickers Teacher Procedure Teaching design Secondary preparation I.Greetings & Warm-up:1.Greetings: T:Good morning/afternoon!Boys and girls! Ss:Good morning/afternoon!Miss... T:How are you today? Ss:Fine,thanks.设计意图:师生问好,拉近师生关系,并将学生的注意力带入到课堂中。Free-talkT:Do you want to be a good boy or girl at home?S:Yes.T:What should/shouldn’t you do?S:help to do housework....S:You should keep your room clean.T:clean clean cleaning (Ask Ss to read the topic together.)设计意图:这一环节旨在渲染轻松的学习氛围,使学生快速进入学习状态,为新课的学习做好铺垫,提前感受本节课的知识点。 II.Presentation & PracticeMake a call:A: Hello! This is … speaking .May I speak to … ?B: Yes, this is … speaking .A: What’s wrong with you?B: I’m … / I have … .A: You should... .B: Thank you.T:Look at me.What am I doing? S:I am making a call.Chant:make,make,making,I am making a call.Introduce classmates and tell students they are doing sth.Let students look at the pictures and answer what she/he is doing?T studies the new phrases(Ss work in pairs, read one by one/in groups.)设计意图:教师直接介绍同班同学正在做什么引入到本课的学习,使生活与课本知识相结合,提升学生实际运用语言的能力。Ask and answer:T:What is she doing?S:She is making a call.Chant;make,make,making,she is making a call.T:What is she doing?S:She is washing the clothes.Chant:wash,wash,washing,she is washing the clothes.T:What is she doing?S:She is cleaning the room.Chant:clean,clean,cleaning,she is cleaning the room.T:What is he doing?Ss:He is writing an email.Chant:write,write,writing,she is writing an email.(T ask,Ss answer,Ss ask their friend)Ss practice in two minutes,T goes around the class to help student.Ss act them out.T gives the card to the good students.设计意图:通过练习,使学生能够学以致用,将学过的短语运用到句型当中,提升学生综合运用语言的能力。4.Chant(T makes new chant)Writing,writing,writing an email.He is writing an email.Washing,washing,washing the clothes,she is washing the clothes.M ... ...

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