
Unit 6 We are watching the games Lesson 31 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:65次 大小:10532Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教 学 设 计 课题 Lesson 31 授课时间 教学目标 知识与技能 能够在做体育动作时说英语。在游戏、竞赛、调查活动中,与其他同学积极配合与合作,敢于用英语描述正在进行的动作,体会学习英语的乐趣。培养学生敏锐的观察力、独立思考力、丰富的想象力、快速反应能力和身体协调能力。 过程与方法 充分运用游戏、竞赛、调查等活动理解和掌握所学内容 情感、态度与价值观 熟知世界上主要的体育活动,了解我国标志性的体育项目。学习姚明和中国女排的拼搏精神。在学习和日常交流中初步注意到中外文化的异同,养成文明观赛的良好习惯。 教学重点 play volleyball, play football, play basketball, watch the gamesThe boys are playing football. The girls are playing volleyball. The teachers are playing basketball. We’re watching the games on the playground.the dialogue 教学难点 运用英语进行表达与交流,自主归纳现在进行时句型结构和使用规律掌握动词现在分词 教学策略 采用小组合作,问答式,情境教学策略 教学准备 The tape, the recorder, the pictures, the word cards, the book 课时安排 一课时 教学环节 教师导学行为 学生学习行为 二次备课 一、 热身复习二、新课导入三、趣味操练四、语言运用5.分层作业6.拓展活动7.课堂评价 1.热身,复习师生共同进行头脑风暴游戏,教师将一些教材中的人物正在做事情的图片通过屏幕快速呈现给学生,引导学生细心观察、认真记忆,然后准确使用现在进行时的句子描述他们所捕捉到的信息。这样在巩固复习已学知识的同时,为引入新知热身。学习新单词和词组look and answerWhat’s this ? Spell it!板书football The letter group “oo” is pronounced /u/.Other words?2)look and sayplay football用同样的方法学习volleyball play volleyball basketball play basketball3)Look and say again2. Play a guessing gameLook! There are three balls in my bag. Please touch and guess what ball it is.3.Look, ask and answerWhat are they doing?学习词组watch the gamesLook and sayPlease read it.Ask and answerWhat are they doing?学习单词playgroundLook and sayLook! This is a playground.groundDon’t sit on the ground. 2) Ask and answerWhere are they watching the games?Yes, on the playground.Watch,ask and answerThere is a football match on the playground.What are they doing?Where are they playing football?7.Listen and think听两遍对话录音,同时思考以下几个问题。1.What are the boys doing?What are the girls doing?What are the teachers doing?What are the boys and girls doing?Ask and answer1.Read the dialogue读黑体部分2.Let’s read in groups.1)学生六人一组分角色进行朗读2)请一组孩子分角色读对话 3)领读对话3.Let’s act请一组孩子到前面分角色表演对话1.Do some exercises指导学生完成《英语质量监测》P63一、听力听朗读,选出学生们各自喜欢的运动项目并连线 P64 四、补全对话 领读感知对话2.Cultural linkNational sports around the world借助图片通过阅读了解世界各地的国家运动3.播放有关姚明的视频Who is he?Yao Ming is a ___ player.football B. basketball C.volleyballYao Ming is very super.He’s Chinese.We are proud of him.A&B 1. Read the dialogue.A&B 2.Collectsome representative ball games from different countries or regions on the Internet.A 3. Make up a dialogue of the sports meet.播放“有种精神叫中国女排”的视频。Look! This is our Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team.We should lea ... ...

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