
Unit2 Going to school 第二课时导学案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:66次 大小:1130028Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 2 Going to school第二课时导学案 单元 Unit 2 Going to school 年级 5 学习目标 1、掌握故事中的重点词汇Ms, journey, primary school, underground, station, take, after, hour, bus stop, get off.2、熟练使用句型How do you come to school?询问对方的交通方式,并能正确做出回答。3、掌握故事中出现的重点句型。4、了解故事大意,复述故事情节。 学习重难点 1、词汇Ms, journey, primary school, underground, station, take, after, hour, bus stop, get off.2、句型 I live far from/near my school. I go to school … 学法指导 尝试模仿 小组合作交流 练习法 课前准备 录音机 多媒体 【新知预习】或【复习回顾】 重点句型同伴两人用所学句型进行对话练习。将句子组织成一段连贯的话。新词预习Ms, journey, primary school, underground, station, take, after, hour, bus stop, get off听录音,感知新知识,熟悉所学单词的发音。 【课堂探究】 1. 略读课文,了解故事主人公上班途经哪些地方。2. 再次读课文,了解主人公图中搭乘的交通工具。on foot—by underground—by bus—on foot.3. 听读Read a story. 边听边根据问题找到答案:What does Ms Guo do?Where does she work?Where is the underground station? How does she go to the Spring Street?4. 听读过程中自学单词Ms, journey, primary school, underground, station, take, after, hour, bus stop, get off注意模仿正确发音。5. 了解课文大意,可画出主人公的路线图。6. 小组合作,排序,判断,并复述故事内容。 【展示交流】(巩固训练活动或游戏) 1. 画一画,说一说你离学校是近还是远?你是如何去学校的?2. 尝试用所学句型介绍你们一家人都是如何去上班或上学的。 【当堂检测】 一、写出词汇的汉语意思。1. journey_____ 2. primary school _____3. underground station _____ 4. bus stop_____5. get off _____二、选择填空1. There is _____ underground station.A. an B. a C. /2. He _____ the train to Beijing.A. by B. takes C. on3. Ms Guo _____ on Greet Street.A. living B. live C. lives4. Lingling____ to school on foot.A. goes B. go C. gos5. Alice is nine years old. She goes to _____. A. middle school B. primary school C. university三、连词成句。1. walks/ to/ the/ Ms Guo/ station (.) _____ 2. he/ is/ teacher/ a (.)_____3. lives/ on/ Green/ She/ Street (.)_____ 4. bus/ my/ takes/ a/ to/ father/ work (.) _____5. to/ school/ on/ I/ come/ foot (.) _____参考答案: 一、1. 旅行 2. 小学 3. 地铁站 4. 公共汽车站 5. 下(车)二、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B三、1. Ms Guo walks to the station. 2. He is a teacher.3. She lives on Green Street.4. My father takes a bus to work.5. I come to school on foot. 课后反思 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) " 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) ... ...

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