

日期:2024-06-25 科目:生物 类型:初中试卷 查看:75次 大小:701796Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 4 Music Born in America Pre-reading 1.work in pairs. What do you know about famous American musicians 2.listen to the tape , noting down the important musicians mentioned in the passage. Cultural Corner Louis Armstrong Robert Johnson Woody Guthrie Louis Armstrong 路易斯·阿姆斯特朗 唱片公司:MCA 国 籍:美国 个人经历: Louis Armstrong,是这八十多位传奇巨星中资格最老的爵士音乐大师。早在1920年,19岁的Louis Armstrong就已经开始他的演奏生涯了。如何评价他在爵士音乐中的重要性都不为过,相当于古典音乐的巴赫、摇滚音乐的猫王,是音乐史中最有影响的音乐家之 一。 Robert Johnson 罗伯特 约翰逊 唱片公司: 哥伦比亚唱片 生 日: 1911-5-8 星 座:金牛 国 籍: 美国 个人经历: 布鲁斯历史上最值得纪念的人物之一Robert Johnson罗伯特 约翰逊。Robert Johnson 1911年5月8日生于美国Mississippi,正是所谓的King of the Delta Blues。复杂的家庭背景和坎坷的一生,让他的音乐天赋有表现的机会。爱喝酒、喜欢旅行到处去弹吉他是许多蓝调乐手的特质,Robert Johnson也不例外。 他从密西西比三角洲的同乡Son House、Willi Brown那边学了不少,加上自己独特的Fingerpicking和Slide技巧而建立起名声。传言他在十字路口用灵魂和魔鬼交换音乐技巧(Paganini也许是第一人),所以才会这么厉害。电影Crossroad和Cream所翻唱的Crossroad,都能让我们感受这个传奇的魔力。Robert Johnson不只唱出了内心的感动,可说是影响了之后50年的乡村蓝调和摇滚乐的发展。他的影响遍及大不列颠的许多年轻人,这些人正是日后的Eric Clapton、Jimmy Page、Keith Richard等人。 Woody Guthrie Woody Guthrie(伍迪格瑟里) 美国民谣音乐历史上最有影响的人物。他虽然身材矮小、腼腆羞怯、嗓音平淡而沙哑,却是一个重要和主要的民歌诗人和歌手,他的许多歌对美国产生了深远的影响。 Fast Reading Read the passage quickly and answer the questions. 1. What kind of music is each artist famous for 2. What was the characteristic of his music Louis Armstrong: Jazz Robert Johnson: Blues Woody Guthrie: folk Louis Armstrong: individual solos Robert Johnson: poetic and sad blues songs Woody Guthrie: protest music, Detailed Reading Read the text carefully and decide true or false. It’s better to find out the supporting sentences. Louis Armstrong had great influence on the development of music in the world. People called him Satchmo because he had a very large bag-like mouth. Robert Johnson was regarded as the founder of rock and roll. T T T 4. The Rolling Stones is a popular song among black people. 5. Woody Guthrie showed great sympathy for migrant workers. 6. In Woody Guthrie’s eyes , all men are born equal. F T T Supporting Sentences 1.Louis Armstrong was the most influential artists in the history of music. He developed the idea of playing individual solos. 2. His nickname was Satchmo, which was short for “Satchel Mouth”, because of his largemouth , which looked like a satchel (a big mouth). 3. Robert Johnson was a blues singer and guitarist who has been called the father of rock and roll. 4. His music has influenced generations of moderns rock musicians, including Eric Clapton and the Rolling Stones. 5. Guthrie began writi ... ...

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