
Unit 2 Can I help you Lesson 8 教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:66次 大小:6079Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 8 教学目标 1. 知识与技能 掌握三个三会单词:toy train、motorbike、jeep及一个四会单词:bike.并能用简单的语言进行购物及询问价钱。如:Can I help you? I want to a toy train./How much is it? It’s eighty-five yuan . 2.过程与方法 运用歌谣、游戏等方式调动学生的积极性;运用猜一猜、练一练、演一演、小组合作等多种方式帮助学生掌握本课内容。 3. 情感态度价值观 通过本课对玩具的学习,让孩子树立正确的消费观念。 教学重难点 重点:掌握三个三会单词:toy train、motorbike、jeep及一个四会单词:bike.并能用简单的语言进行购物及询问价钱。 难点:小组进行真实的情景表演。 1、教学内容与分析 1. Just practice 2. 本部分主要学习如何运用如下目标语言:How much is it? It is fifty-six yuan. Can I help you? Yes, I want a toy train. 在创设的真实情景中进行交际。同时以图文的形式给学生提供语言操练的情景。 3. Just write 本部分要求学生能够听、说、认读、书写四会单词:can, help, want, toy, train, plane, ship, boat;以及四会句型:Can I help you? Yes, I want a toy train. 4. Let’s act 本部分设计了同学们分小组购物的情景,设有不同的迷你商店,学生可以有选择地结合自己意愿进行模拟购物,在这个过程中体验语言交流,达到交际运用的目的。 5. Let’s chant 2、课前准备 1. 自制价钱标签,准备玩具实物、货架和点钞卷(充当钱币) 2. 准备课件 3、教学过程 1. Warm-up Before the class, let’s play a game: Look and Say. Try to be quicker, OK? ... Next one, if you know, hold up your hands, no speaking. Toy shop! Read it line by line. Boys, girls. 2. Presentation This is my baby. Today is his birthday. I wanna buy some toys for him. Will you go with me? Here’s money for you. Answer questions and make money. This is a ...(lead the students say “a toy shop”) She is a saleswoman. She will say...( lead the students say “Can I help you?” Can I help you? Spell it one by one. Read it row by row. Now, let’s see what toys are there in the toy shop? a. Toy train. What’s this? Rain. How to spell it? Let’s see what happens. Oh, rain plus a “t”, it becomes a “train”. How to spell it? Train. A toy train. I want a toy train. b. Toy boat. What’s this? coat How to spell it? Let’s see what happens. Oh, c becomes b, coat becomes a “boat”. How to spell it? Boat. A toy boat. I want a toy boat. c. Toy ship. What’s this? sheep How to spell it? Let’s see what happens. Oh, ee become i, sheep becomes a “ship”. How to spell it? ship. A toy ship. I want a toy ship. Pay attention to the pronunciation. d. Toy plane. Look at the letters. Pu them in order. 3. Practice Work in groups (four in a group ask and answer) Let’s chant Play a number game Ask and answer How much is it? It’s... Work in pairs (ask and answer) Look and Say (complete the sentences) 10 yuan question 20 yuan question 30 yuan question 4. Consolidation Go shopping So many toys here. Which one can I choose? Can you help me? Go shopping with the money you make. 5. Let’s chant Welcome to my baby’s party. He is so happy. Let’s chant together. 6. Assessment Do some exercises. 7. Homework read the dialogue go shopping in other kinds of shops ... ...

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