
Unit 2 Great minds 第5课时Speaking,Writing and Project 导学案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:44次 大小:1892864Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Module1 Unit 2 Great minds Speaking,Writing and Project导学案 学生姓名 班级 序号 课题内容 Unit 2 Great minds Speaking,Writing and Project 学习目标与核心素养 认读和理解单词obey,reduce,exactly,action 和短语play a joke on sb.turning point,a series of2.能通过合理安排故事情节发展撰写一则关于英国天文学家Patrick Moore的 故事。3.能通过小组合作制作一篇关于名人名言的海报。 学习重点 认读和理解单词obey,reduce,exactly,action 和短语play a joke on sb.turning point,a series of 学习难点 能通过合理安排故事情节发展撰写一则关于英国天文学家Patrick Moore的故事。 【预习案】 1. 两人一组尝试朗读Talk time部分对话。 2. 默读27页A,并尝试完成故事情节。 Opening_____Rising action_____Turning point_____Fallingaction_____Ending____ 3. 默读31页A, 翻译3句名人名言并将其写在下面横线上。 _____ _____ _____ 4. 从网上搜索至少5句名人名言写在下面横线上。 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 【列出我的疑惑】 【探究案】 探究点一:1.朗读21页A,完成下列电话留言。 Time: From: To: Message:?   Signed by: 2.回答下列问题 1. When did Simon make the phone call? _____ 2. What did the secretary suggest when she told Simon that Dr Huang was out? _____ 3. How did Simon ask Dr Huang to return his call? _____ 4. Who answered the telephone? _____ 5. What information did Simon leave? _____ 探究点二:看27页图片并回答问题 a ① Who are the two people? _____ ② Where are they? _____ ③ What are they doing? _____ ④ When is their next talk? What is the significance of the day? _____ b What does Patrick Moore see? _____ c What is Patrick Moore doing? _____ d What is Patrick Moore doing? _____ e ① What is the date? _____ ② What is Patrick Moore doing? _____ 探究点三:完成28页故事 Floating listeners Sir Patrick Moore was a well-known astronomer with a good sense of humour. Like many scientists, he enjoyed playing harmless jokes on people. Some years ago, he received an invitation to give a series of talks on the radio. One day, at the end of his talk, the host said_____ _____ Over the next few days, _____ However, on his way to the radio station on 1st April, _____ _____ He arrived at the station and _____ At the end of his talk, _____ _____ A few minutes after 9:47 a.m., _____ _____ 探究点四:Writing 人物 居里夫人(Madame Curie) 出生 于1867年出生于波兰(Poland) 身份 世界上最伟大的科学家之一 生平 勤奋好学;24岁时前往法国巴黎求学;她获得了物理和数学学士学位(bachelor’s degree),在1903年获得了巴黎大学物理博士学位(doctor’s degree)。1894年,皮埃尔.居里(Pierre Curie)与她有着对物理学共同的兴趣;他们终生致力于科学研究(scientific research)。 成就 是世界上第一位两次获得诺贝尔奖的科学家 评价 她是我们的好榜样,并永远活在我们的心中 【我的知识网络图】 【训练案】 Ⅰ.单项选择 1. The _____ are the people listening to or watching a performance, speech or television show. A. audience B. actors C. actresses 2. —I don't understand his design but I know it _____. —Maybe you can ask the original designer for some details. A. of heart B. on heart C. by heart 3. —I hear the famous professor will c ... ...

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