

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:19次 大小:919931Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    英语试卷答题纸 姓名 班级 1 2 4 5 8 9 10 11121314151617181920 2122232425262728 30 313233343536373839 四、词汇运用 五、书面表达 I'm Li Hua from Sunny Hill Middle school in China. Id like to tell you something about my school life(课件网) 一、单项选择 1-5ADCAB 6-10DBCAA 二、完形填空 11-15 DBAAB 16-20 DCBAD 21-25 CBABC 三、阅读理解 26-28 CBD 29-32 BDCA 33-36CDBA 37-39 CBD 40. 采分点:观点poor but lucky与thankful,各得1分。并就此观点,结合文章事实,说明原因,各得1分。语言表达1分。 参考答案: I think Patrasche is poor but lucky. (1分) His owner treated him badly. But Nello and Jehan saved him and loved him.(1分) And he is also very thankful. (1分) Because he decided to get well soon and repay them for their kindness when he was sick. He did so when he got well.(1分)(语言组织1分) 41. neither 42. ninth 43. factories 44. Polluting 45. against 46. across 47.hundreds 48. nurses 49. brave 50. trust 51. has become/has been 52.hit 53. quickly/fast 54. led 55. most famous/most well-known 注意:41. our 0.5分 42. nine 0.5分 43. factory 0.5分 44. Pollute 0.5分(大小写不扣分) 48. nurse 0.5分 51. become 0.5分 54. lead 0.5分 55. famous/well-known 0.5分2020年第三次学业水平模拟考试 (英语试题卷2020.6) 亲爱的同学 欢迎你参加考试!现在,请你仔细阅读以下注意事项 1.全卷共8页,五大题,56小题,满分120分,考试时间90分钟 2.答案必须写在答卷纸相应的位置上,写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效 3.带 号的词可在后面的小词典里查阅。 做题时,请认真审题,细心答题。祝你成功! 注意:书写卷面分(4分):阅读回答问题、词汇运用、书面表达 单项选择(本题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 1.--Excuse me, sir. Is there post office near here? Yes. look it's next to the school over there. 2.--What subject do you like best, Cindy? of course. I'm really interested in singing songs A. English B. Histe D. Music 3. --My friend Mrs. White wants to see the Beijing Opera tonight You can tak to Lao she Teahouse him 4.--Mum, the pears in the box have gone bad --Let's buy some B. sweet C expensive 5.--Henry hurt his leg badly when running Mr. Black 6. - I saw your brother in the chess club just now be him. He is taking a competition in Beijing st vill you finish your model spaceship, Tom? -in about two days I'll try my best to make it. A. How long B How soon C How often D. How far 8.--Would you like to come to my birthday party this saturday? I'd love to but to visit my grandparents will promise D am promising 9. It's not a good habit to the old clothes. We'd better recycle them A throw away B look after C pay for D. put on

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