
Unit 1 My Family Lesson 6 Maddy’s Family课件+素材(24张PPT)

日期:2024-09-26 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:56次 大小:9842255Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 冀教版 英语五年级 上册 Unit 1 My Family Lesson 6 Maddy’s Family Learning goals 学生能听懂和理解这个简单的故事。 ? 学生能就故事进行提问和问答。 ? 学生能分角色用自己的语言表演故事。 ? Free talk 1. What do you like to do? 2. What does your father/mother like to do? 3. What does your family like to do? Guess Who is she? She is the monster, Maddy. Does Maddy have a baby sister? Does Maddy have a brother? Is Maddy’s mother short or tall? Where does Maddy’s father work? Would you like to meet Maddy’s family? Turn to page12, look at the pictures and try to answer the questions. Let’s look Look and listen They are Maddy, Maddy’s brother and sister. Hello again! I’m Maddy. I’m a monster. I live in a big, big house with my big, big family. I have a brother and a sister. My sister likes to sit and cry. What do you see? Who is crying? Maddy’s sister is crying. Who are they? Three monsters He likes to ride bikes. What does Maddy’s brother like to do? But what’s wrong? The bike is too small. My brother likes to ride bikes, but bikes are small. Look and listen What do you see in this picture? I see Maddy’s brother is learning to ride bikes. She is Maddy’s mother. Who is she? What does she do? She is a worker. My mother works. She is a worker. Look and listen He is Maddy’s father. Who is he? Where does he work? He works in a park. My father works, too. He works in a park. Look and listen They are Maddy’s uncle, aunt and cousins. Who are they? What is the name of Maddy’s girl cousin? It’s Mary. I have an aunt and an uncle. They live in a big, big house, too. Their house is beside our house. They have two children. The boy’s name is Mike. The girl’s name is Mary. Mike and Mary are my cousins. Look and listen Let’s learn I have an aunt and an uncle. a和an用在可数名词单数前,要注意的是,a用在辅音开头的名词前;an用在元音开头的名词前。 试一试: 1. This is ____ apple. 2. It’s ____ cat. 3. That is ____ elephant. 用法 a an an Point 1 Maddy’s uncle and aunt. What do you see in the picture? What do they like to do? They like to go for a walk. My aunt and uncle like to go for a walk. Look and listen Maddy’s uncle and her cousins. What do you see in the picture? What are they doing? What do they like to do? They are playing jump-on-uncle. They like to play jump-on-uncle. Look and listen My cousins like to play jump-on-uncle. They have fun. What does Maddy’s family like to do? They like to have dinner in a restaurant. My family likes to have fun together. We like to have dinner in a restaurant. Look and listen We like to watch a film. We are a big happy family! What is the family doing now? The family is watching a film. Where’s the film? Look and listen Do they like to watch a film? Yes, they do. Watch and match ride bikes go for a walk play jump-on-uncle watch a film sit and cry have dinner in a restaurant Maddy’s sister Maddy’s cousins Maddy’s aunt and uncle Maddy’s brother Maddy’ ... ...

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