
Unit 4 Shopping in the City Lesson19 Let’s Go Shopping!课件(共25张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:21次 大小:16070072Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 冀教版 英语四年级 上册 Unit 4 Shopping in the City Lesson 19 Let’s Go Shopping! Learning goals 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇: shop,go, ? 学生能认读、理解并运用下列句型结构: Let’s go shopping. 2. —What do you want to buy? —I want to buy… ? Free talk Do you like shopping? shop (名词)商店 (动词)购物 go 出发,离去;行走;去;开始 New words go shopping 购物 What can you buy in this shop? Look and answer What can you buy in this shop? Look and answer What can you buy in this shop? Look and answer What can you buy in this shop? Look and answer What is it? 1 Let’s go shopping, Danny. Okay! book shop clothes shop tea shop toy shop book shop tea shop clothes shop toy shop Read and match 点击,播放视频 Watch and read What do you want to buy? 2 What do you want to buy? I want to buy a new dress. Let's go to the clothes shop. No, please! I don't want to buy a new dress. What do you want to buy? 2 Well, what do you want to buy? Ice cream! What do you want to buy? 2 点击,播放视频 Watch and read Let’s learn —What do you want to buy? —I want to buy a new dress. 这是由what引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问想要买什么东西。 —What do you want to buy? —I want to buy a bike. 用法 例句 Point 回答用“I want to + buy + 物品.”。 (动口、动脑能力)冠军争霸赛。 老师提前准备几张图片,让同学们两两一组。用本课所学的句型”What do you want to buy?”,”I want to buy…”练习对话。做得最好的一组参加年级的竞赛。示例: Ann:What do you want to buy? Caro:I want to buy some apples. Pair work Name Toy Shop Clothes Shop Book Shop … Ann Kim My friend Me Is this your cap ? 3 Let’s go shopping. I want to buy Snow White. What do you want to buy? I want to buy a skirt. Pair work. Talk and write. skirt Snow White 一、 选出下列每组中不同类的一项。 (  )1. A. clothes B. shop C. zoo (  )2. A. dress B. buy C. go (  )3. A. kite B. toy C. milk (  )4. A. apple B. coat C. skirt (  )5. A. tea B. yellow C. white A A C A A Practice Let’s go _____ together.  shopping B. shops C. shop 2. I want to buy a coat. Let’s go to the _____. tea shop B. book shop C. clothes shop 3. I want to go to the _____ to buy a teddy bear for my sister. A. book shop B. toy shop C. clothes shop 4. I like bananas, but I _____ like apples. A. no  B. not  C. don’t A C B C 二、 单项选择 Practice 三、给下列各句选择相应的答语。 (   )1. Where are you going? (   )2. What do you want to buy? (   )3. Let’s go to the library. (   )4. What do you want to do? A. I want to buy some apples. B. OK. C. To the library. D. I want to read a book. C A B D Practice 四、情景交际。 (  )1. 如果想问别人它是什么时,你可以说:_____ A. What is it? B. Where is it? (  )2. 当你问别人想买什么时,你可以说:_____ A. Where do you want to go? B. What do you want to buy? A B Practice (  )3. 当你想去茶叶店买茶叶的时候你可以说:_____ A. I want to go to the book shop. B. I want to go to the tea shop to buy some tea. (  )4. 如果你想买一件毛衣,你可以说: ... ...

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