
牛津译林版六年级下册英语期中复习课件(Unit 1-Unit 4)(76张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:65次 大小:7203470Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit1-Unit4期中复习课件 牛津译林版 六年级下 快来复习第1单元了! Unit 1 The Lion and the Mouse 第一单元都要复习些什么呢? 快揉着脸想一想 老夫夜观天象 第一单元的考点都集中在 过去式 副词 强大的 走过 吵醒 小声地 某一天 释放 第二天 咬 就在那时 just then the next day quietly wake up one day let...go walk by strong bite Open your eyes Find your words U K I L A U G H W A K E E S O U A B I T E S A Y L H D A B C K E K C A T C H D O Open your eyes Find your words U K I L A U G H W A K E E S O U A B I T E S A Y L H D A B C K E K C A T C H D O 1. It is crying _____. 1.It is crying _____. sadly 2.He is laughing _____. 2.He is laughing _____. happily 3.It is playing _____. 3.It is playing _____. quickly/happily 4. It is shouting _____. 4. It is shouting _____. loudly 1.It is crying _____. 2.He is laughing _____. 3.It is playing _____. 4.It is shouting _____. sadly happily quickly loudly Unit 2 Good habits Word test! singing dancing listening to music habit singing dancing listening to music 0% never 0% Don’t be ____ for school. late Don’t be ____ for school. Mum: Do you _____ your homework? I : ……. finish Mum: Do you _____ your homework? I : ……. My bedroom is _____. tidy My bedroom is _____. The pear is _____. bad The pear is _____. Z Z Z sleepy Z Z Z I did my homework late _____. last night I did my homework late _____. The rabbit runs _____. The tortoise runs _____. fast; slowly The rabbit runs _____. The tortoise runs _____. Describe the picture! He puts things in order. She sleeps late at night. He goes to bed late. He gets up early. He brushes his teeth. They go to school in the morning. He is late for class. Grammar exercise 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I ___ fast in the street. (walk) 2. We ____ well at home. (do) 3. Wang Bing ____up early in the morning. (get) 4. Liu Tao sometimes ____sleepy in the morning. (feel) 5. She ____ to bed late at night. (go) Unit 3 A Healthy Diet juice bread noodles potato meat sausage mango vegetable fruit tomato sweet rice water 可数名词 不可数名词 bread juice meat mango water fruit potato rice tomato sweet noodles sausage vegetable Grammar 1、a few 一些,少量 后加可数名词复数 翻译:我还有一些蛋糕来应付下午茶 I still have a few cakes for teatime. 2、 few 极少 表否定含义,后加可数名词复数 翻译:极少学生在教室里。 There are few students in the classroom. 3、 a little 少量 后加不可数名词 翻译:我找到了一种赚点钱的方法。 I found a way to make a little money. 4、little 几乎没有 表否定含义,后加不可数名词 翻译:我几乎没有时间读书。 I have little time for reading. rice ice cream noodles tomato? mango bread vegetable? sweet ? fruit? some many much few little a few a little a lot of lots of a ... of... EXERCISES EXERCISES B C Sound EXERCISES 1. ( )A. boats B. mouse C. flower D. house 2. ( )A. shout B. mouth C. month D. out 3. ( )A. noodles B. sweets C. vegetables D. eggs 4. ( )A. cakes B. fruits C. foods D. drinks EXERCISES 1. ( )A. boats B. mouse C. flo ... ...

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