
Unit 4 Then and now Part B Read and write 课件(共33张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:70次 大小:18270720Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) What a dream ! Unit4 Then and now Read and write Which animal can run faster ? cheetah Cheetah can run faster than___. Run faster than others in your study. 在学习中像猎豹一样奔跑吧! Let’s chant Now and then , now and then. Go , go , went, went to a park. Eat , eat , ate , ate bad food. Have , have, had , had a cold. Feel , feel , felt , felt very sad. Stay , stay , stayed ,stayed at home. Sleep ,sleep , slept , slept in the bed. Dream,dream,dream, I had a dream. Wake,wake,woke,woke up from dream! Wu Yifan woke up last night. He had a dream. Wu Yifan woke up last night.He had a dream. ran like a cheetah ran with dad and Max tripped and fell Number the pictures. Reading tip: 不出声地按照词组和句子一行一行读,寻找自己需要的信息, 不要翻译,不理解的词或句,可以猜测或跳过。 What a dream ! Number the pictures. 1 2 3 ran like a cheetah ran with dad and Max tripped and fell How was Wu Yifan’s dream ? It was _____ . Read Para.1(读第一段并回答下面的问题) What did Wu Yifan do in his dream? 2.Could he do anything ? 3.Why was Wu Yifan worried ? Reading tip: 仔细阅读,划出答案并标注序号。圈出生单词,借助图片信息,联系前后句子,猜测词义。 1.What did Wu Yifan do in his dream ? 1. had a race with… Have, have, had, had a race with… ____ had a race with____. 2.Could he do anything ? Could he do anything ? No. There was nothing he could do. He could do nothing. 2.Could he do anything ? 2. 3.Why was Wu Yifan worried ? 3. Wu Yifan did not pass the exam yesterday. He was so worried. “I only scored?50?marks(只考了50分),”he thought,” Will Mom hit(打) me? “I could run fast at school,” he thought . “Why am I so slow now ?” ( )—thought Think,think,thought,thought,thought,thought Buy , buy , bought, bought, bought, bought think Read Para.2 What did Robin do ? How did Wu Yifan feel ? say—said give—gave s-u-dden-ly feel—felt Feel,feel,felt, felt very good. The boy ate the Snickers and (士力架) suddenly he felt good. Make a play 1.Robin 2.Wu Yifan 3.aside(旁白) Read Para.3 How was the second race ? Why did Wu Yifan wake up ? trip—tripped wake—woke My family took a trip to the countryside . We went camping there. But I tripped and fell. I hurt my foot.  What a bad thing! What can you find ?(你发现了什么?) How can we know its meaning ?(如何判断词义?) 前后推测 Reading tip: 轻声跟读,注意模仿语音、语调,注意动词过去式的发音。 What a _____ dream ! How was Wu Yifan’s dream ? It was _____ . Retell 试着复述课文! In the first race Then In the second race What a dream! worried had a race with... could not run fast felt good Robin gave him some water could run fast again woke up ran like a cheetah suddenly he tripped and fell Think and discuss 思考并讨论 Why do people have dreams? 人们为什么会做梦? Did you have a dream ? 你做过梦吗? How was your dream ? 你梦到过什么? Tell your dream to your partner. 讲给你的同桌听。 What a funny dream ! I had a dream last night. I went to a forest park ... ...

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