
2020年湖南省普通高中学业水平合格性考试仿真试卷专家版六英语 Word版含答案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:92次 大小:189453Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2020年湖南省普通高中学业水平合格性考试仿真试卷(专家版六) 英语参考答案 第一部分阅读技能(共两节,满分45分) 1-4. CDCB 5-8. BDAC 9-12. DABC 13-15. BAD 第二部分知识运用(共两节,满分25分) 16-20. BAABC 21-25 DBCDC 26. researchers 27. lying 28. murdered 29. curious 30. the 31 of 32 and 33 that 34. shortly 第三部分写作技能(共两节,满分30分) 36.这种足球比赛几乎在所有国家都流行 37. the more you know about it 38. you had better have a lot of money 39.对于许多美国人(来说),它差不多是一个月工资 40.我打算现场观看明年的比赛 41.【参考范文】 A Chinese Advisor Wanted Attention please! The student union needs an advisor on Chinese study, who should be an overseas student, Our requests are as follows First of all, your mother tongue should be Chinese. In fact. it couldnt be better if you can speak fluent English. What you are supposed to do is solving problems about Chinese learning and assisting the teacher to ize activities. You are expected to work about 3 hours per week. The reward could be have the interview Whoever interested in this position can call Tom at 15873116222. Looking forward to your active nvolvement Student ur 学业水平(专家版六)英语参考答案—1机密★启用前 2020年湖南省普通高中学业水平合格性考试仿真试卷(专家版六) 英语 本试题卷分闻读技能、知识运用、写作技能三个部分,共8页。时量90分钟,满分100分 第一部分阅读技能(共两节,满分45分) 第一节阅读理解(共12小题;每小题3分,满分36分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Underground stations are often dirty and noisy. However, there are a few subway stations in the world that are clean and beautiful Central Park Station, Kaohsiung(高雄) Central Park Station is named after the nearby Central Park in Kaohsiung. It is a two-level underground station, and was designed by British architect Richard Rogers. Purple is the main colour of the station. However, the grass areas inside the station are covered with yellow windmills风车) shaped like sunflowers Formosa Boulevard Station(美丽岛站), Kaohsiung Formosa Boulevard Station is one of the busiest stations in Kaohsiung, Taiwan province. It is also one of the most beautiful underground stations in the world The stop is known for its artwork called the“ Dome of Light(光之穹顶)”, said to be the largest glass work in the world. It was designed by famous artist Narcissus Quagliata in a little ess than four years T- Centrale Station, Stockholm(斯德哥尔摩) T-centralen Station is at the heart of the Stockholm underground system, and is the only station where all three of the system's lines meet. The Stockholm subway is often regarded as the longest art gallery in the world, and the T-Centralen Station is no exception(4 %)-its walls host a collection of beautiful painting: 1.What's the main colour of Central Park Station? A. White B. Yellow C. Purple D. Green 2. How long did the artist spend designing the“Dome of Light” A. At most one year B. Around two vears C. Less than three years D. Nearly four years 3. Where can you find a lot of ... ...

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