
Unit7 How are you feeling now五步法教学笔记(含答案)(答案为PDF版)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:12次 大小:1559492Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit7 How are you feeling now? 1 温德星球的模型 2 淋湿 3 有点发烧 4 咳嗽 5 照顾好你自己 6 听到….很难过 7 回家 8 整个行星 9 参观博物馆 10 很多有意思的事情 11 好多了 12 …结束了 13 向我的同学们讲述我的旅行 14 带领我们参观 1 How was your vacation? 你的假期怎么样? 2 I got wet this afternoon. 今天下午我被淋湿了。 3 How are you feeling now? 你现在感觉怎么样? 4 I don’t feel well. 我感觉不舒服。 5 I have a slight fever and a cough. 我有点儿发烧还咳嗽。 6 We came back home today. 我们今天回家了。 7 Tino’s friend Winky showed us all around the planet. 蒂诺的朋友温奇带领我们参观了这个星球。 8 It was exciting. 它很令人兴奋。 9 There were lots of interesting things. 有很多有趣的事物。 10 Sometimes it rained very hard. 有时雨下得很大。 11 I got a slight fever, but I’m getting better. 我有点儿发烧,但是我现在好多了。 12 The summer vacation is over. 暑假结束了。 13 Tomorrow I’ll tell the class about my trip. 我明天将会向我的同学们讲述我的旅行。 Saturday, August 20th Sunny We came back home today. Wonderland! It was a wonderful planet! Tino's friend Winky showed us all around the planet. We went to the fun park in Wonderland. It was exciting. We visited the museum, too. There were lots of interesting things. Sometimes it rained very hard. I got a slight fever, but I'm getting better. Well, anyway, the summer vacation is over. Tomorrow I'll tell the class about my trip. 1. When did Sandy write this diary(日记)? She wrote it on_____. 2. When did they come back home? They_____. 3. What did they do in Wonderland? They visited all_____the planet , went to _____ and visited_____. 4. What was wrong with her? She got _____. 5. What will she do tomorrow? She will_____her trip. Cody : My uncle lives there. Saturday, August 20th Sunny We _____(come) back home today. Wonderland! It _____(is) a wonderful planet! Tino's friend Winky _____(show) us all around the planet. We _____(go) to the fun park in Wonderland. It _____(is) exciting. We_____(visit) the museum, too. There _____(be) lots of interesting things. Sometimes it _____(rain) very hard. I _____(get) a slight fever, but I'm _____(get) better. Well, anyway, the summer vacation _____(be) over. Tomorrow I'll _____(tell) the class about my trip. 1 你现在感觉怎么样? 2 我流鼻涕了。 3 我们去了游乐园(fun park)。 4 我们参观了博物馆。 5 有很多有趣的事物 7.1 核心词块 a model of Wonderland get wet have a light fever have a cough take care of yourself sorry to hear… come back home all around the planet visit the museum lots of interesting things get better …is over tell the class about my trip show us… 7.2 逐句精读 7.3 阅读理解 7.4 语法填空 7.5 逆向翻译 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) " 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)五下教科版EEC五步学习法笔记 Unit7 How are you feeling now? 7.1核心词块 01温德星球的模型 a model of wonderland 02淋湿 get wet 03有点发烧 have a light fever 04咳嗽 have a cough 05照顾好你自己 take care of yoursel ... ...

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