
2020_2021学年高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future 课件练习(打包9套)新人教版必修5

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:46次 大小:3589737Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 Life in the future 主题语境:人与社会———科学与技术 Words:about 300;Time:7 minutes 【语篇导读】未来的城市将会是什么样子,我们无从知晓,但是我们可以大胆畅想,理性规划,用我们的智慧定义一个宜居的未来城市。 The smart city vision(愿景) is well known across the globe.What will smart① cities look like and how will they work?We all wonder! Future smart cities appear in our minds with super-high buildings,flying cars and a greener environment.While smart city visions differ,in the coming decades,cities will become a digital blanket. One of the most shared visions of what could be a smart city includes traffic control,environmental protection,management of energy,healthcare,security and connected buildings. Smart city visions also rely on new technology which can collect a lot of information in a timely manner②. The amount of information on the Internet is expected to grow in a big way.However,because of the relationship between Internet service providers,several problems around privacy have to be considered.? The first item on our wish list for a smart city:self-driving cars!First,we have to keep in mind that they will require special roads.The cars will need to communicate not only with each other but also with the city infrastructure.Charging stations will also have to be built.Big parts of the physical infrastructure we know today will be digitalized in order to make the dream come true!? All the information collected will lead to decisions for a better use of space,energy,water,and electricity.For example,being able to forecast traffic jams and provide another way for drivers will help to save time. Another smart technology is solar products that use solar energy allowing streets to power themselves without using electricity. The switch to smart infrastructure is not simply fashionable.In many ways,it appears to be a main part of the future of smart cities.We can now outline③ an affordable future smart city vision for the citizens who will live in it. 词海拾贝 ①smart [sm??t] adj.整洁漂亮的,衣着讲究的,时髦的;思维敏捷的,伶俐的;有力的,猛烈的 ②manner [?m?n?] n.方式,方法;态度;礼貌,规矩 ③outline [???tlain] vt.画出……轮廓;概述,列大纲 n.提纲,要点,概要;外形,轮廓,略图 典句欣赏 1.Smart city visions also rely on new technology which can collect a lot of information in a timely manner. 智慧城市的愿景也依赖于能够及时收集大量信息的新技术。 2.The cars will need to communicate not only with each other but also with the city infrastructure. 这些汽车不仅需要相互交流,还需要与城市基础设施进行沟通。 理解诱思 1.What is the best title for the text? A.Super-high Buildings B.Visions of the Future of Smart Cities C.Self-driving Cars D.The City Infrastructures 2.What will smart cities look like? 答案:1.B 2.Future smart cities should be with super-high buildings,flying cars and a greener environment.The first item on our wish list for a smart city is a self-driving car!Another smart technology is solar ... ...

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