
牛津英语8B 期末复习词汇专练(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:37次 大小:23732Byte 来源:二一课件通
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牛津英语8B 期末复习词汇专练 1.We shouldn’t _____(依靠)too much on our parents.. 2. The boys are busy _____ (挖)a hole and they are going to put the young tree into it. 3. Our natural resources are limited. Everyone should protect them (明智地). 4. -- I want to travel around the world. -- You can’t be _____(认真). You are too young. 5.There are so many students here. You should _____(分开)them into groups 6.Drinking too much Coke is _____(伤害) to children’s health. 7. Today is 5 June, World_____(环境)Day. 8. Natural gas is a new kind of _____(资源) . We should make full use of it. 9. We should stop using _____ (塑料) bags. They will lead to more pollution. 10. Never mind .His words will make no _____(差异) to me. 11. Einstein was one of the?????? ????(最有智慧的) scientists in the world. 12. The driver was_____ (惩罚) for driving after drinking. 13. The water in our city has been seriously _____ (污染). 14. There are many car_____ (工厂) in our city. 15. He lives a few _____(街区) away from his school. 16. _____ has become one of the biggest problems in the world. 17. There _____(曾经)to be three schools in our town in the _____.(过去) 18. Beijing is a _____(北方) city in China. 19. John lives in the _____ (中心)of London with his parents. 20. Millie is _____ (采访)him to get some information. 21. The woman has much money, _____(然而),she is not happy. 22. He made some mistakes this time. _____(即使这样), he is a good boy. 23. The government should take action to protect the _____ (环境)from pollution. 24. I have _____(刚刚) known it. Sorry to hear that. 25. I like _____(交流)with my family when I have free time. 26. The children all started to scream when they saw their favourite _____ (人物、角色) 27. We’re going to take a _____ (直达) flight to England. 28. Light travels at the s of 340 metres per second in the air. 29. Can you tell me the (细节)of this accident? 30. We have to put off the (航班)to Beijing because of the bad weather. 31. Can you tell me the main (要点)of this book? 32. My uncle has gone to Japan on (生意). 33. His grandfather has been (死)for nearly 20 year. 34. She (结婚)a rich man three years ago. 35. You can enjoy the natural ( 美)of the lake in this area. 36. We often visit our friends and (亲戚) during the Spring Festival. 37. Yancheng is a city near the east_____ (海岸) of China. 38. Is Russia an Asia country or a _____ (欧洲) country. 39.The workers in this factory have to work every day_____ some important festivals.(除了) 40. It gives me _____(高兴)to introduce our new English teacher. 41. They will fly to the _____(南方)cities to spend the Spring Festival. 42. I need to _____(预定) a room for my best friend from Canada. 43. Australian seasons are the _____(对立,相反) of ours. 44. The workers are _____(印刷) magazines. 45. It is well-known that the Diaoyu _____(岛) belongs to China. 46. They have (打印) the first 80 pages of the book 47.They invited me to Mary’s party, but I _____(拒绝) becau ... ...

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