
unit 1 Jobs Lesson1 My family课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:22次 大小:713216Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) My family Hesheng Primary School Freda Duty report(值日报告) Who can ask ? (谁会问?) Who can answer ?(谁会答?) 附值日生的家庭照 Let’s Chant . I can do . Can you guess ? (我会做,你猜得出吗?) Game time(游戏时间) Ask and answer . What does he /she do ? He /She is a _____ . Ask and answer . Ask and answer . Hello,I’m Jack . This is my family . This is my grandfather .He’s a vet . He loves animals ! This is my mother .She’s a teacher . My father is not a teacher . He is a doctor .This is my aunt Susan .She’s a nurse .My uncle is a policeman .And this is me . Read and find his name .(读故事,找出他的名字) Read again and discuss.(再读故事,四人小组内讨论并提出问题) I have some questions . (我有一些问题.) Teacher’s questions . This is _____ . Jack This is _____ . He is a ____ . Jack’s grandfather vet Teacher’s questions . This is _____ . She is a _____ . Jack’s mother teacher This is _____ . He is a _____ . Jack’s father doctor Teacher’s questions . This is _____ . She is a _____ . This is _____ . He is a _____ . Jack’s aunt Jack’s uncle nurse policeman Read and check with Yes or No 1, Jack is a boy .( ) 2, loves animals .( ) 3,There are people in Jack’s family . ( ) 4,Jack’s father is not a teacher . ( ) 5, Jack’s is Susan . ( ) Yes Yes No No Yes Jack 7 aunt Jack’s grandfather 6 Read and match . I can finish ( 我能完成 ) . 以There are ___people in my family 开头。介绍自己的家庭成员。以I love my fimaly .结束介绍。 可能会用到:like/likes love/loves cm student 学生 farmer 农民 policeman 警察 nurse 护士 singer 歌手 doctor 医生 worker 工人 driver 司机 vet 兽医 teacher 教师 actor 男演员 actress 女演员 boss 老板 dancer 舞蹈演员 star 明星 artist 艺术家 boxer 拳击手 juggler 杂技演员 pilot 飞行员 policewoman 女警察 附展示同学的家庭照 Let me show . Homework : 1,把故事读给家长听,请家长签上日期。 2,用至少五个英语句子介绍自己的家庭(可以涉及喜欢的,职业,身高,年龄等方面的介绍)。 See you tomorrow !

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