
Module2 My favourite things测试卷(有答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:54次 大小:172186Byte 来源:二一课件通
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一、请用a/ an/ some填空。 1. This is orange bag. 2. We have water. 3. My father is good man. 4. I have fish and egg. We have red flowers. 根据图片回答问题。 What do you like? What do you have? What can you hear? What do you have for breakfast? Do you like bananas? 阅读短文,填空。 I’m Joe. I have some biscuits and milk for breakfast. Mum has some noodles for breakfast. Dad has some bread and juice for breakfast. My brother Tom has some eggs and water for breakfast. My sister Alice has some ice cream for breakfast. My grandmother has an egg and a cup of tea for breakfast. 1. Joe has some and for breakfast. 2. Joe’ s mum has some for breakfast. 3. Joe’ s dad has some and for breakfast. 4. Tom has some and for breakfast. 5. Joe’ s grandmother has an and a of tea for breakfast. 补全对话。 A: Good morning. B: 1 A: 2 B: I can’ t find my toy bear. A: What colour is it? B: 3 A: Look! It’ s there. B: Thank you. Do you like toy bears? A: 4 I like kites. B: I like kites, too A: Look! 5 B: How nice! Let’ s fly it together. A: OK. Let’ s go. 2. 3. 4. 5. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 Tom and his parents(父母)often eat in the restaurant(餐馆). Tom’s father likes vegetables(蔬菜). He often orders (点餐) some green beans and tomatoes. Tom’s mother likes meat. She often orders some fish and pork (猪肉). Tom likes fast food, Coke. Tom and his parents like ice cream very much. They often order ice cream for dessert(甜点). ( ) 1. Tom’s father likes meat. ( ) 2. Tom’s mother often orders green beans. ( ) 3. Tom doesn’t like fast food. ( ) 4. Tom often orders hamburgers and Coke. ( ) 5. Tom and his parents like ice cream. 画一画你自己,并作自我介绍。 提示:自己的特征是什么,喜欢什么动物和玩具以及喜欢的原因,一般早餐吃什么。不少于5句话。 参考答案 一、1. an 2. some 3. a 4. some; an 5. some 二、1. I like lemon juice. I have some milk. I can hear a dog. I have some bread and an egg. No, I don’t. 三、1. biscuits; milk 2. noodles 3. bread; juice 4. eggs; water 5. eggs; cup 1-5 EADCB 1-5 FFFFT 参考范文: I’m Mary. I like monkeys. They are cute. I like balls. They are fun. I have some bread and milk for breakfast. This is my mum. I love her.

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