
七年级英语下册Unit 5-Unit 6 知识梳理学案(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:25次 大小:50014Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【课前热身】 一、单词短语默写 Unit 5-6 单词 Unit 5 单词 滴;落下,?掉下?_____旅行,?旅程?_____数量_____ 实验,试验_____淡的,?无盐的_____盐_____ 表示已连接、处于工作状态或使用中_____嗓音,说话声_____ 水库_____增加,添加_____化学品_____ 通过,穿过_____管道_____宝贵的_____ 有点,一点_____银行_____找给的零钱_____归还_____蒸汽,雾气??_____形成,构成_____ 搅拌?_____继续_____结晶(体)?_____ 短语 关掉_____把...加入...?_____有点,一点_____ ...的一部分_____ (父母给孩子的)零花钱?_____ ? 由...组成?_____ 干涸?_____ ? Unit 6 单词 电_____ 谈话_____确认_____ 规则_____任何人_____回答_____ 愚蠢的_____电线_____连接_____ 电缆_____瞬间_____电池_____ 炊具;炉具_____冰箱_____电灯泡_____ 锁上_____测试_____使整洁_____ 触摸_____ 短语 一袋_____ 在某种程度上_____ 连接到_____发电站_____ 洗衣机_____关_____ 整理好_____ 空调_____ 【错题重做】 ( ) 3. I like eating fruits, _____ apples, bananas, pears and oranges. A. such for B. such as C. for example D. as example ( ) 11 China lies ____the east of Asia and ___ the north of Australia. to; to B in to C to; in D in, on ( )24. The course begins _____ 1st September and ends sometime _____ January. A. on, in B. in, on C. on, on D. at, in 七年级下册Unit5-6复习巩固 【放电影】 介词的用法? 2.四大时态的用法? 【课文知识梳理】 Unit 5 必考知识点 turn off关掉,turn on打开。turn=switch 代词it,them,you等,放在这个短语中间:turn it off,不能说turn off it。名词放哪里都可以。 【练习】(1)关掉它 打开他们 (2)我想睡觉,请关灯吧! I want to go to bed,please 2、voice sound noise的区别 单词 意思 区别 voice 嗓音;说话声 指人的声音 sound 声音 指自然界的任何声音 noise 噪声 嘈杂声;噪音 Keep quiet, please. The will make the baby cry. Can you hear the from the next room. The from the office sounds like your mother’s. out of…“从…(里)离开”,与动词连用 go out of从…出去 come out of从…跑出来 【练习】她跑出屋子,看见她爸爸站在外面。 She the house and saw her father standing outside. leave+人/物+形容词 “使…处于什么状态” 【练习】 (1)当你出去时,不要让窗子开着。 Don’t the window when you go out. 这位母亲刚刚让她的孩子单独在外面。 The mother her child alone just now. 5、tell sb to do sth告诉某人做某事;tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要做某事 叫某人做某事 叫某人不要做某事 ( )1.My mum told me the housework. A.do B.doing C.to do D.to doing ( )2.Mr Black asked his son the tree. A.don’t climb B.not to climb C.not climb D.to not climb 6、数量的词区分 (1)表示数量的词语 描述数量的单词 提问数量的单词 修饰可数名词 many, a number of, few/a few How many 修饰不可数名词 much,a amout of, little/a little How much 可数和不可数都可以 a lot of, lots of, plenty of, some no enough 几组短语的意思 not many不多 too many太多 too few太少 not much不多 too much太多 much too…太… too little太少 7、a few, few, a little, little的区别 a few few a little little 一些(表肯定) 极少,几乎没有(表否定) 一点点(表肯定) 几乎没有 (表否定) a few,few都+可数名词 a little,little都+不可数名词 (1)I would like _____ sugar in my tea. A. little B. a little C. a few D. few (2)There are _____ st ... ...

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