
Unit 6 Shopping Part A Let’s learn(优课)课件(内嵌音视频素材)+教案+学案+练习(共42张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:39次 大小:34372966Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Teaching Contents (教学内容) Period 1: Shopping (A Let’s learn) Prior Knowledge ( 已有知识) clothes, hat, skirt, dress, pants, coat, shirt, jacket, sweater, shorts, socks等衣服类词。 Can you help me?以及回答。 Teaching Aims 1、 能够听、说、认读4个生活用品单词:sunglasses, gloves, scarf, umbrella。 2、能熟练运用句型“Can?I?help?you?? The?gloves?are?nice.? ?Can?I?try?them?on?? Sure.”来模拟购物。 3、能够完成Complete and say的活动,观察12张小图,写出适合冷、热不同天气的衣服单词,并运用示范句型It’s hot, so I put on my T-shirt. 进行表述。 4、能对衣物进行简单的评价,学会根据天气选择衣物。能够在实际生活中大方得体地与他人进行交流。 Difficulties 听说认读单词:sunglasses,umbrella,gloves,scarf.??????? 单词gloves?和?sunglasses的发音。??????? 3、Can?I?try?them?on?的用法。 Teaching Aids PPT, flashcards Procedures Teacher’s 教师活动 Students’ 学生活动 Purpose 教学目的 Warm up Greeting. Enjoy a song : Clothes Sharp eyes: What ‘s in the closet? sing the song together. Then say out the words as quickly as you can.Review the words about clothes. 简单问候之后,欣赏衣服主题歌,活跃课堂气氛,也为新授课做好铺垫。 Lead in Create situation T: The Peggie’s family are going to take a trip.Where will they go? What’s the weather like there? What should they take with them? Ss listen to the teacher and think about the questions. 创设情景,导入学习。通过学生喜闻乐见的佩琪一家去旅行这一话题,自然过渡到本课的学习,学生兴致盎然。 Presentation Show the weather report. It’s rainy in London. So I take my umbrella.引出学习单词umbrella Try to say. The umbrella is nice. Let’s chant. Show the weatherreport. It’s sunny in Sydney. So I put on my sunglasses. 引导学生自学sun + glasses = sunglasses Let’s chant Sunglasses, sunglasses. Can I try them on? Sure, sure. Here you are. Show the weather report. It’s snowy in Moscow. T: I’m cold. So I put on my gloves. Let’s chant. 学习scarf It’s cold. So I put on my scarf. Let’s chant. Role play引导学生发现:单数用is , 复数用 are 以及正确使用 Can I try them on ? 和 Can I try it on? Ss look at the PPT and try to say some sentences. The umbrella is nice. Ss read the chant. Ss try to read the new word sunglasses. Ss read the chant. Ss try to say the chant. Practise the drills: Can I try them on? Sure, here you are. 围绕主题佩琪一家去旅行这一情景主线,通过天气预报形式,引出本课单词的学习,同时引导学生根据天气选择合适的衣物。 通过朗朗上口的chant来操练单词,学生容易读容易记,能迅速运用单词。 创设购物小情景让学生灵活运用句型操练,活学活用。 把枯燥的语法知识融入小组训练中,学生在练习中不知不觉就掌握了。 Practice Watch the video ,and think about the question. What does John want to buy? Read after the tape. Bomb game. Ss watch the vidoe and think. Read the new words with the tape. Play the bomb game. 通过视频让学生感知对话。 通过跟读操练单词及对话。 游戏巩固单词,调节课堂气氛。 Consolidation 1.Teacher show how to shop. T: I am going shopping this weekend. Look, this is my shopping list. I am going to buy a …. Do y ... ...

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