
Unit 3 Faster,Higher,Stronger Speaking:Making comparisons 课件(18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:84次 大小:20385792Byte 来源:二一课件通
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北师大版 八年级上册英语Unit3 Faster,Higher,Stronger. 北师大2011课标版 八年级上册英语Unit3 Faster,Higher,Stronger. short shorter heavy heavier Cat A Cat B Name: Lu Han Height: 178cm Birth date: 1990年4月 Weight: 62.5kg Name: Wu Yifan Height: 187cm Birth date: 1990年11月 Weight: 73kg Who’s taller, Lu Han or Wu Yifan? Wu Yifan is taller than Lu Han . Who’s older, Lu Han or Wu Yifan? Lu Han is older than Wu Yifan . Who’s thinner, Lu Han or Wu Yifan? Lu Han is thinner than Wu Yifan . Who has shorter hair, Lu Han or Wu Yifan? Wu Yifan has shorter hair than Lu Han . Competition 1 cute cuter more outgoing outgoing beautiful more beautiful Who is more hard-working, Mayun or Wang Jianlin? I think Ma Yun is as hard-working as Wang Jianlin. 扁担宽板凳长 扁担想绑在板凳上 板凳不让扁担绑在板凳上 扁担偏要绑在板凳上 板凳偏偏不让扁担绑在那板凳上 到底扁担宽还是板凳长 small fine large young big tall beautiful loud loudly hard-working outgoing heavy thin early fat friendly small smaller fine finer large larger young younger big bigger tall taller beautiful more beautiful loud louder loudly more loudly hard-working more hard-working outgoing more outgoing heavy heavier thin thinner early earlier fat fatter friendly friendlier/more friendly 不规则形容词副词比较级 原级 比较级 worse more less farther/further bad/badly many/much little far good/well Compare with your classmates and talk about your differences. tall/short, heavy/thin, long hair/short hair, old/young, small /big eyes, strong, healthy, beautiful/handsome, funny, outgoing, hardworking, smart, serious… get up early, go to school early, run fast, jump high, play basketball/soccer well, sing/dance/draw well, work hard… If I say I am young, you think you’re younger than me, you should stand up and say: I’m younger than you.” Think of yourself 3 years ago. Write about how you are different now. 1.Are you taller? 2.Are you more outgoing? 3.Do you study English harder? …

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