
Unit 1 Television Speaking:Talking about a TV programme; using exclamations 课件(20张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:80次 大小:4717568Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Talking about a TV programme; using exclamations Warm-up What sports do you like to watch? Can you describe your favourite sports show? Warm-up New words Talk about the pictures . What is the football player doing? He is kicking the ball in the field. He scores a goal. kick v. 踢 进球; 得分 运动场 New words Talk about the pictures . What is the basketball player doing? He is making the basket and he gets two points. 投篮得分 point n.得分 New words Talk about the pictures . What’s the matter? The player fouls. It’s a foul and it’s a bad call. foul v. 犯规 call n. (裁判员的)判决 New words Talk about the pictures . What is Li Na doing? She is hitting the ball in the court. hit v. 击, 打 court n. 球场 New words field n. 运动场 extremely adv 非常 fit adj 健康的 v. 合身 agree v. 同意 certainly adv. 当然 pass v. 传递 goal n. 射门 score a goal 进球,得分 kick v. 踢 basket n. 投篮得分 make a basket 投篮得分 foul v. 犯规 kid v. 开玩笑 n. 小孩 call v. (裁判员的)判决terrible adj. 可怕的 shame n. 羞愧 What a shame! 真遗憾 complain v. 抱怨 hit v. 打, 击 count n. 球场 form n. 形式, v. 组织 in top form 状态很好 Pre-reading Task 1: Can you guess what sports they are? Match them with the conversations. Reading 带球跑下了赛场 跑的很快 身体非常健壮 这个赛季 受伤了 两个月没有参加比赛 把球传给... Look at the speed of Hill as he runs down the field with the ball. Can you believe that? He’s extremely fit this season. Do you agree? B: Certainly! And think about this. His foot was hurt last year and he was out for two months. It’s just fantastic! A: And he passes the ball to McCall and … IT’S A GOAL! B: Wow!What a great kick! It was perfect. 球进了 明明是一个投篮得分 可以听到 这个犯规有问题 真丢人! Reading C: …Wilson is going to make a basket and … IT’S IN! That’s another two points for…just wait…It’s a foul? Are you kidding me? D: Right you are, Dan. That was a bad call. It was clearly a basket but now the Lions will not get those two points. As you can hear, their fans also think it was a terrible call. C: What a shame! They should complain about that one… Reading 对方半场深处 状态很好 该... 发球了 看她跑的真快呀! 她们跑动了。 一场精彩的比赛 E: And there they go! Chambers hits the ball to the back of the court. Lister is running … F: Look at that speed! She is really in top form today. E: And it’s back to Chambers. She’s also in top form. F: How exciting! This is going to be a great match. While-reading Can you match each dialogue with the correct picture? Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Dialogue 3 Post-reading task2 : Read the dialogue and find the Exclamations A: Look at the speed of Hill as he runs down the field with the ball. Can you believe that? He’s extremely fit this season. Do you agree? B: Certainly! And think about this. His foot was hurt last year and he was out for two months. It’s just fantastic! A: And he passes the ball to McCall and … IT’S A GOAL! B: Wow!What a great kick! It was perfect. Can you believe that? It’s just fantastic ... ...

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