
Unit 3 Look at me Part A Let’s learn课件(46张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:39次 大小:46887404Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 Look at me! PEP·三年级上册 Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do Sing a song Hello! Hello! How are you? Good morning. Good morning. Revision How are you? I’m fine, thank you. Let’s go to school! OK! Boys and girls, I have lots of friends. Do you want to know them? Teach the new words. Learn the word: face Hello, everyone! I’m Sun Wukong. Nice to meet you! Look at me! This is my face. 脸 Look at me! This is my face. Look at me! This is my face. Look at me! This is my face. Can you sing? Face, face, face, face. Look at me! Look at me! This is my face. This is my face. Ding~ Ding~ Dong! Teach the word “ear”. Hello, everyone! I’m Bugs Bunny. Nice to meet you! Look at me! This is my ear. Look at me! This is my ear. 耳朵 Can you sing? Ear, ear, ear, ear. Look at me! Look at me! This is my ear. This is my ear. Ding~ Ding~ Dong! Teach the word “eye”. Hello, I’m Panpan. Nice to meet you! Look at me! This is my eye. Simon says 游戏说明 当老师说 “Simon says: Eye.”的时候,学生大声朗读 eye; 当老师只说 “Eye” 的时候,学生捂住嘴巴不能出声。 Look at me! This is my eye. 眼睛 Can you sing? Eye, eye, eye, eye. Look at me! Look at me! This is my eye. This is my eye. Ding~ Ding~ Dong! Teach the word “nose”. Hi, I’m Peppa Pig. Nice to meet you! Look at me! This is my nose. 鼻子 Look at me! This is my nose. Catch the finger 游戏说明 学生朗读单词的同时用食指快速戳老师的掌心,被老师捉到则挑战失败,反之则算成功。 Dub for the cartoon character Look at me! This is my nose. Can you sing? Nose, nose, nose, nose. Look at me! Look at me! This is my nose. This is my nose. Ding~ Ding~ Dong! Teach the word “mouth”. Hi, I’m a hippo. Nice to meet you! Look at me! This is my mouth. Look at me! This is my mouth. 嘴 High and low voice 游戏说明 当老师大声念 mouth 时,学生轻声读 mouth; 当老师小声念 mouth 时,学生大声读 mouth。 Dub for the cartoon character Look at me! This is my mouth. Can you sing? Mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth. Look at me! Look at me! This is my mouth. This is my mouth. Ding~ Ding~ Dong! I have another friend. Who is he? Is he Wu Yifan? Oh, no. He is Zoom now. Let’s learn Number the words according to the recording. ear eye nose mouth face Look at me! This is my face. Read and introduce. ear eye nose mouth face Look at me! This is my … Look at the pictures and the words carefully. If you know one of them, you can stand up and read it aloud. Sharp eyes face ear eye nose mouth I can draw Invite some students to the front. Cover their eyes and let them draw pictures according to the teacher's instructions. Let them introduce their pictures with the sentence structure “Look at me! This is my…” I say, you do. Close your eyes. Open your mouth. Get the meanings of the sentences. Touch your nose. Touch your ear. Touch your face. Watch and do. Do the actions. Close your eyes. Open your mouth. Touch your nose. Touch your ear. Touch your face. Do the actions according to the instructions. Clos ... ...

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