

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:57次 大小:185110Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题名称 小升初英语语法-第4讲:代 词 教学 目标 1. 人称代词主格、宾格形式及其主要用法;(重点) 2. 名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词的形式、区别及其主要用法;(难点) 3. 反身代词的形式、意义及其主要用法;(重点) 4. 常见不定代词的一般用法;(难点) 5. 指示代词的一般用法,并了解其在上下文中的指代用法。 Step 1 Homework Checking 课后练习讲评; 词汇听写:得分 _____ 知识点回顾: 用正确的冠词填空,不需要的地方填“/”。 1. There is _____ book on the desk. 2. December 25th is _____ Christmas. 3. _____ girl in yellow is my cousin. 4. I have got _____ English book in my desk. 5. Beijing is _____ beautiful city. It’s _____ capital of _____ China. 6. _____ moon goes around _____ earth. 7. _____ first man from the left is _____ youngest. 8. He’s _____ schoolboy. 9. I often have _____ breakfast at 7:00 in _____ morning. 10. _____ spring is _____ beginning of a year. 11. Jack likes playing _____ piano and her brother likes playing _____ football. 12. I went shopping _____ yesterday. 13. I am going to Beijing _____ next week. 14. Would you like to go to the zoo with me _____ tomorrow morning? answers: 1. a 2. / 3. The 4. an 5. a, the, / 6. The, the 7. The, the 8. a 9. /, the 10. / 11. the, / 12. / 13. / 14. / Step 2 Warming-up Guess: answer: Very Important Person Step 3 Phonetic Symbols 英语国际标准音标练习 元音 (20个) 单元音12个 前 元 音(4个) [i:] [i] [e] [?]               后 元 音(5个) [ɑ:] [?:] [?] [u:] [u]             中 元 音(3个) [?] [?:] [?]                 双元音8个 合口双元音(5个) [ei] [?u] [ai] [au] [?i]             集中双元音(3个) [i?] [u?] [??]                 辅音 (28个) 清 辅 音(11个) [p] [t] [k] [f] [s] [θ] [?] [t?] [tr] [ts] [h] 浊 辅 音(17个) [b] [d] [g] [v] [z] [?] [?] [d?] [dr] [dz] [l] [m] [n] [?] [j] [w] [r]           /ei/ /mei/ /neim/ /geim/ /eit/ /eid?/ /?u/ /n?u/ /h?um/ /h?up/ /r?ut/ /n?ut/ /p?uz/ /ai/ /ai/ /taim/ /bai/ /rait/ /baik/ /kait/ /au/ /nau/ /aut/ /hau/ / ?′baut/ /sauθ/ /haus/ /?i/ /b?i/ /t?i/ /n?iz/ /v?is/ /p?int/ /k?in/ 语音基础小练习: 找出读音不同的一项。 1) ( ) A. doctor B. clock C. close D. frog 2) ( ) A boxes B oranges C shoes D. watches 3) ( ) A. knife B. thank C. night D. funny 4) ( ) A. cow B. how C. brown D. window 5) ( ) A. there B. here C .hair D. hare answer: 1~5 CCBDB Step 4 Language Learning 专题四:代 词 一.人称代词、物主代词 人称 我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他(她、它)们 主格 I you he she it we you they 宾格 me you him her it us you them 形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our your their 名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 使用的be动词 am are is are 1.人称代词的用法 1)人称代词的主格在句中作主语 I love my country.我爱我的国家。 She is a good student.她是一位好学生。 2)人称代词的宾格在句中作动词,介词的宾语或表语。 I don’t know her. 我不认识她。 His mother is waiting for him outside. 2. 人称代词的语序 几个人称代词并列作主语时,它们的顺序是: 单数形式(二,三,一)you, he and I . 复数形式(一,二,三)we, you and they. 二.物主代词 1.物主代词分为形 ... ...

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