
教Unit6 In a nature park A let's learn 课件(28张PPT)+教案 +素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:10次 大小:82202497Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 6 In a nature park Part A Let's learn 园林小学 李兴祖 2019年11月28日 RULES Work together. 学习规则 Game: Whack-a-mole (打地鼠) 玩游戏,复习单词 Join and review Is mouse there isn't will cake park in beside between in front of near behind above 看图回答 A:Is there a _____in the room? B: Look and say There is a __ in the room. Yes, there is. / No, there isn't. Do you know more about nature park in our hometown? 家乡 1.能够听、说、认读有关自然景物的单词:forest ,lake mountain ,hill ,river 。 2.能够在语境中正确运用这几个单词来描述自然公园。 3.能够完成问答活动,观察图片,看懂图意,并运用示范句型 “Is there a ...in the park? Yes, there is. \ No, there isn't. ” 进行表述。 Learning aims 默读学习目标 学会记忆单词 picture na park There is a ____. Let‘s learn 学会记忆单词 What's in the nature park? There is a ____in the nature park. make take cake lake lake 湖 Qinghai Lake the West Lake There is a ____in the nature park. What's in the nature park? forest forest 树林,森林 What's in the nature park? There is a ____ in the nature park. river river 江、河 the Yellow River the Changjiang River ill will bill There is a ____ in the nature park. hill 小山,山丘 mountain 大山,山脉 Mountain Laoye Mountain Tai mountain river nature park forest hill mountain forest lake Sharp eyes 结对练习 A:Is there a forest in the park? B: Yes, there is. / No, there isn't. Look and say A: Is there a ____? B: .... 看图问答 A: Is there a _____in the park? B: .... Look and guess Paste, read ,then write My dream nature park It's a beautiful nature park. There is a big mountain in the park. There is a lake near the hill. There is a river in front of the forest. 书写练习 Protect the earth. Protect our home. 保护地球,保护家园. 1.背会并抄写五个 新单词: river, lake, hill, forest, mountain 。 2.完成小练笔: “My dream nature park”。 Unit 6 In a nature park Part A Let's learn A: Is there a _____in the nature park? B: Yes, there is. No, there isn't. / lake river forest mountain hill There is a ____in the zoo. Is there a ____in the zoo? Yes, there is. No, there isn't. 看图描述 Look and say 快速读单词 Sharp eyes river lake mountain forest hill姓名(职称/职务) 题目 联系电话 工作单位 收件地址 付款方式及时间 李兴祖一级教师 教学设计PEP Book5Unit 6 In the nature park Lesson 1Part A Let’s learn 13997102276 青海省西宁市大通园林小学 青海省西宁市大通园林小学 支付宝2020年6月15日 Unit 6 In the nature park Lesson 1 Part A Let’s learn 教材内容简析 本课时是人教版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级上册的第六单元第二课时,依然围Yes,?there?is.?/No,?there?isn't."这个句型展开内容。包括Let's?learn和Ask and?answer两个板块。Let's?learn是在第一课时情景对话内容的基础上,主要学习五个重点词汇,以及重点问Yes,?there?is.?/ No,?there?isn?'t.这一部分内容是用一幅自然公园的地图答句型Is?there?a...来呈现几个核心词汇。 Ask?and?answer是在第一部分Let's?learn基础上延伸的活动版块,目的是让学生在熟练掌握新单词的基础上还可以灵活运用句型,根据所画的图画在小组和搭档之间 ... ...

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