
Unit 8 Lesson 24 An Experiment Report 课件(21张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:53次 大小:6024047Byte 来源:二一课件通
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北师大版《初中英语》九年级 Unit 8 Discoveries Lesson24 An Experiment Report experiment report Pre-reading: 发豆芽(bean-sprouting) Pre-reading: Present the task Task: 你的英国朋友Bill 对发豆芽的实验过程很感兴趣,你能写一份英文实验报告向他介绍一下吗? experiment report purpose preparation progress record conclusion title Pre-reading: Brainstorm pur tit pre rec pro con … … What did you write in the Chinese experiment report? What other aspects do we need to write in it? What is the experiment about? 2. How many main aspects(方面) are introduced in the experiment report? What are they? While-reading: Read for general information [?b?z?:v] ?[?bz??ve??(?)n]? He is observing ( watching carefully) the flower. While-reading: Read for detailed information Read Section 1 and Answer. What things did the writer prepare? potato with sprouts pot with soil ?[spra?t] ?[p?t] He prepared a potato with sprouts, a flower pot with soil and a camera to record progress. While-reading: Get and understand the information Read Section 2 and Answer. Q1: How many days does the writer observe? 15 days progress/changes, writer’s feeling Q2: What does the writer mainly tell us in each day? Read Day One and Underline the answers. Day What does he observe How does he feel 1 curious/hopeful While-reading: Read for detailed information tiny sprout , grow On Day one, a tiny sprout has grown from the potato. He wonders how fast it will grow. He feels very curious and hopeful. {5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}Day What does he observe How does he feel 6 ? 11 ? 13 ? 15 ? Read the following days and underline the answers. curious/hopeful On Day one, a tiny sprout has grown from the potato. He wonders how fast it will grow. He feels very curious and hopeful. Day What does he observe How does he feel 6 taller excited/hopeful Check the answers (Day 6) On Day 6, Buddy is taller than before. He is excited to see new life and he hopes Buddy can grow faster. Day What does he observe How does he feel 11 get larger more new sprouts have grown expected/hopeful Check the answers (Day 11) green leaves has grown On Day 11, Buddy is getting larger. Three more new sprouts have grown around Buddy! Green leaves have grown on the new sprouts. He guesses he needs to be more patient. He feels very expected and hopeful. Day What does he observe How does he feel 13 excited grow taller new sprouts grow Check the answers (Day 13) leaves grow a bit On Day 13, Buddy continues to grow taller . The leaves have grown a bit . He is excited to see more new sprouts have grown. Day What does he observe How does he feel 15 excited/hopeful 3 cm tall Check the answers (Day 15) On Day 15, The leaves on the other sprouts are 3 cm tall. He hopes they will soon grow into new potatoes. Day What does he observe How does he feel 1 curious excited expected happy hopeful 6 11 13 15 While-reading: Get and understand the information How did you feel when you did the bean-sprouting experiment? tiny sprout , grow 3 cm tall ... ...

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