
Unit 5 Let's eat Part A Let's learn 课件(共24张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:32次 大小:57581179Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 5 Let's eat Part A Let's learn课件(24张PPT)+素材(课件网) Unit 5 Let's eat! Part A Let’s learn & Let's do PEP·三年级上册 Let’s sing! Share your menu. I’d like some ... I bought some nice food for you. What’s in my basket? Who wants to touch and guess? Learn the word “bread”. What’s that? Can you guess? Bread! Here you are. Have some bread. Thank you! Oh, I’m hungry. /h/-/??/-/g/-/ri/- /h??gri/. Have some bread! Eat some bread. Touch the food and guess. Learn the word “egg”. What’s that? 蛋 An egg. Here you are. Have some eggs! I’m still hungry. Have some eggs! Eat some eggs. Learn the word “milk”. What is it? Milk. I’m thirsty. Have some milk! 牛奶 果汁 Have some juice! Learn the word “juice”. I’m still thirsty. Let’s learn We’re hungry. What about Sarah? Sarah is hungry. Juice and egg. Milk and bread. ① How is Sarah? What would she like? ② What does Sarah’s mother give her? Read and practice. Mum, I’m hungry! Have some bread. Do a match. juice bread egg milk Sharp eyes. If you know, you can stand up and say it loudly. Play roles. I’m hungry. Have some eggs. Thank you. Have some ____. I’m hungry. Let's do Get the meaning of the cartoon. Do with the cartoon. Have some eggs. Have some juice. Eat some bread. Drink some milk. Do the actions according to the order and practice in groups. Have some eggs. ... Have some juice. Eat some bread. Drink some milk. I do you say. Have some ___. Have some ___. Eat some ___. Drink some ___. Blackboard design Unit 5 Let's eat! Part A Let’s learn & Let's do — I’m hungry. — Have some...

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