
Unit 5 My clothes Part A Let's spell(优课)课件+教案+导学案+名师授课稿+音视频素材(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:23次 大小:96704683Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 人教版PEP 四年级下册Unit5 A Let’s spell 讲课稿 Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Today we are going to learn Unit 5 lets spell ,the sounds of “le”. In our class, please sit up straight, listen carefully and remember to take some notes . Ok, now class begins. Warm up Boys and girls , please enjoy the video to have the warm up. Stand up and try to follow the video, say the words and do the actions. Are you ready? Presentation Wow, you have a good try, do you like this little apple? Jessica wants to share a story of this little apple for you. In the story, there are many words with “le”, like “little””apple”, at the end of the words. I would like you to find more words with “le” in the story. Can you, now… let’s begin. That’s a funny story right?! So what happened to the bad little apple? Before I tell you the next part of the story, let’s check if you find the words with “le”? Let’s read the sentences together. Little apple, come to the middle of the table. The bad little apple went for a swim in a puddle. The eagle got him, and dropped him into the jungle. The first sentence, can you find the words with ”le” at the end? please point it out. We have “little” “apple””middle” “table” let’s move on, “little” “apple” “puddle” In the last sentence, we have “eagle””jungle”. Have you got all the words? Well done! they all have ”le” at the end of the words. so what’s the sound of “le”? Listen and try to imitate. “le” sounds “/l/”,we make “/l/” sound with the front part of the tongue, behind the teeth. and pay attention to the letter ”e”, it make no sounds at the end of the words . Now let’s make “le” sound again . /l/ Very good! Practice now let’s play a game try to blend the words with the consonant. Can you ? let’s try the more difficult. Drop the apples into the jungle, and try to say it loud. like le/l/ kl unlce. Well done. Now make it more difficult. let’s have tongue twister. can you read this sentence? Can you read this faster? Let’s check if you are right, watch the next part of the story of this bad little apple. What happened to this little apple in the jungle? Extension Do you like this story? In the story we also found the “le” at the front of the words. Is it also sound “/l/”? Pay attention to the letter “e” at the beginning of syllable, e makes it sounds “i:” with the a, or closed syllable “e” , try to say these words, leave, let, leg, left. So the sounds of“ le” at the front is different with “le”at the end of the words. Let say these words together. Let’s do more practice, take out your English book, turn to Page50. underline “le” and try to say the words ,then listen and repeat. Read listen and write. First learn to guess from the picture. now it’s time to listen carefully. Summary Today we have learnt the sounds of “le” at end of the words, it makes the sounds/l/. I hope you can read the words correctly on P50 after class. An ... ...

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