
中考英语词汇进阶 Day 3

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:91次 大小:1209344Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中考词汇进阶 Day 3 90.awake (awoke;awoken) [??we?k] v. 唤醒adj. 醒着的 反:asleep awake up 醒来 awake sb up把某人弄醒 e.g. This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock. (今早我是被闹钟闹醒的。) 91. away [??we? ]ad. 离开;远离 far away 远离be away from 离开... give ...away 赠送 take away 带走,拿走 go away 离开,走开 put away 把...收拾好 run away 逃跑,跑开 throw away 扔掉 stay/keep away from... 避开,远离... Bb baby [?be?b?] n. 婴儿 复数:babies back [b?k]ad.a. n.回(原处);向后,后面的,背后;后部;背 3. background[?b?kɡra?nd] n.背景 background music 背景音乐 4. bad (worse, worst) [b?d] a. 坏的;有害的;不利的;严重的 be bad for= be harmful to 对…有害 e.g. Eating too much meat is bad for our health.吃太多的肉对我们的健康有害。 Eating too much meat is harmful to our health . 5. bag[b?g] n. 书包;提包;袋子 schoolbag 书包 6. ball(s) [b??l]n. 球 eg: She has many balls. 7. balloon(s) [b??lu?n]n. 气球 eg: There are hundreds of balloons in the sky. 8. bamboo [b?m?bu?]n.竹 当竹子数量和总称时讲是不可数名词, eg: There is some bamboo in the garden. 当各种各样的竹子讲时为可数名词,后直接加“s”, eg:There are many kinds of bamboos in the garden. 9. banana(s) [b??nɑ?n?; (US) b??n?n?]n.香蕉 I like eating bananas. 10. bank(s) [b??k] n.(河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行 eg: This is a merchant bank.(商业银行) on the both sides of the bank 在河两岸 11. baseball(s) [?be?sb??l]n. 棒球 eg: He is a baseball player. 12. basic[?be?s?k]adj. 基本的 be based on 以…为基础 eg: Oral English is the most basic English.英语口语是最基本的英语。 What you said should be based on the facts.你说的话应该以事实为基础。 13. basket(s) [?bɑ?sk?t; (US) ?b?sk?t]n.篮子: e.g. Throw the waste paper in the basket. 14. basketball(s) [?bɑ?sk?tb??l]n. 篮球 eg: Can you play basketball? 15. bathroom(s) [?bɑ?θru?m]n. 浴室 eg: Where is the nearest bathroom? 最近的厕所在哪里? 16. be [bi?]v.是(原形),成为 一般现在式--am, is are 过去式—was, were 过去分词—been 将来式 will be eg: It was sunny yesterday. I have been a teacher for ten years. 17. beach(es) [bi?t?] n.海滨,海滩 on the beach 在海滩 e.g.There are many beaches in Hainan. 海南游许多海滩。 18. bean(s) [bi?n] n. 豆子 eg: A bean is a vegetable. 豆子是一种蔬菜。 19. bear(s) [be?(r)] n.熊 eg: Teddy Bear is very lovely. 20. beat(beat, beaten) [bi?t] v. n.敲打;跳动;打赢(音乐)节拍 beat back击退? beat down v.打倒,杀价,镇压,使沮丧 eg: He beat his son for telling lies. 他揍了他儿子因为他撒谎了。 21. beautiful [?bju?t?f(?)l]a.美丽的,美观的 more beautiful(比较级) – most beautiful(最高级) eg: He grows beautiful flowers. 他种植美丽的花。 22. because [b??k?z; (US) b??k??z]conj.因为 because of+短语 because+句子 eg: She didn’t go to school, because she was ill. = She didn’t go to school, because of her illness. 23. become(became, became) [b??k?m]v.变得;成为 e.g. The custom has become a rule . (那习俗现已变为成规。) The weather here is becoming hotter and hotter.这儿的天气越来越热。 24. bed(s) [bed] n.床 eg: Go to bed ... ...

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