
Unit3(lesson3) What's your father's job 课件(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:28次 大小:3503679Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) U3L3: What’s your father’s job? 川教版 五年级上 Unit3: Lesson 3: What’s your father’s job? 目标计划: 01:采用先整体再局部的学习方式,学习课文中你不认识的单词与词组。 02:掌握重点句型:Who’s the man next to your uncle? What’s your father’s job? He is a doctor.等。 03: 掌握语法:特殊疑问词的选择和应用;关于职业询问的几种英文表达方法,即同义句转换。 04:总结考点和做题方法。 对知识翘首以盼。。 Let’s talk: text 速读: Wow! This man is so cool! Which man? The man in blue. He is my uncle. He’s a football player. Oh , great! I like football very much. Who is the man next to your uncle? He’s my father. What’s your father’s job? He’s a doctor, and my mother is a dancer. Good! This little boy must be you. You are right. 张开嘴,大声读 Let’s talk: text 精讲: Which man?哪个男人? Which:特殊疑问词,哪一个,对特定范围内对象提问 a football player: 足球运动员 穿着蓝色衣服的男人 Let’s talk: text 精讲: 金句复习: 挨着你叔叔的男人是谁 What’s your father’s job?你父亲是做什么工作的? 这个小男孩一定是你 must be表示肯定推测,一定是 Vocabulary:词汇强化 football player [?f?tb??l ?ple??(r)] 足球运动员 play-player doctor [?d?kt?(r)] 医生 or发/?/ Vocabulary:词汇强化 dancer [?dɑ?ns?(r)] 舞蹈家 dance-dancer which [w?t?] 哪一个 wh发/w/; ch发/t?/ Let’s talk: 见微知著 What’s your father’s job? 你父亲是做什么的? 同义句: What does your father do? job:可数名词,工作; 同义词 :work,work作为名词表示工作,是不可数名词 father:名词所有格:father’s.父亲的 你是嘎哈的? Work in pairs: 金句示例: Who is the woman beside you? She is my mother. What’s her job? She is a doctor. 注意:主语和代词的对应性,即man/boy等男性对应he , his; woman/girl等女性对应she, her. Let’s learn: 根据对话和所给单词,写两组句子: Vocabulary:词汇强化 driver [?dra?v?(r)] 司机 drive-driver singer [?s???(r)] 歌手 sing-singer worker [?w??k?(r)] 工人 work-worker Vocabulary:词汇强化 nurse [n??s] 护士 ur发/??/ cook [k?k] 厨师 oo发/u/ policeman [p??li?sm?n] 警察 policewoman:女警 词汇考察 根据句子翻译,在横线处填上合适的职业名词: 1. My uncle dances very well. He is a _____. 2. He drives a bus. He is a _____. 3. I work in a factory. I am a _____. 4. She teaches Chinses in this school. She is a _____. 5. Daming likes football. And he is a _____. 小菜一碟 词汇考察 根据句子翻译,在横线处填上合适的职业名词: 1. My uncle dances very well. He is a dancer. 2. He drives a bus. He is a driver. 3. I work in a factory. I am a worker. 4. She teaches Chinses in this school. She is a teacher. 5. Daming likes football. And he is a player . 课内练习: Fill in the blanks with what, where, why, who or when. _____is the woman in front of Miss Li? _____ is in your bag? _____ is my blue dress? _____ do you get up in the morning? _____ are you here? 这题你是偷着难为我! 课内练习: Fill in the blanks with what, where, why, who or when. Who is the woman in front of Miss Li? What is in your bag? Where is my blue dress? When do you get up in the mornin ... ...

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