
Module 4 Healthy food Unit 3 Language in use 课件(44PPT无素材)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:21次 大小:7722994Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Moduel 4 Healthy Food Unit 3 Language in use 学习目标 掌握“have/has got...”句型的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及其回答; 能在句子中正确使用“some”和 “any” ; 能区分可数名词和不可数名词; 能正确使用可数名词的复数形式 Language practice REVIEW have got “某人有某物” has got I we he she it Language practice REVIEW have not got= haven't got “某人没有某物” has not got= hasn't got Language practice We’ve got _____. REVIEW lots of 大量;许多 lots of apples Language practice We haven't got _____. REVIEW any 一些;任何 any meat Language practice She hasn’t got _____. REVIEW coffee It's uncountable. any coffee Language practice She hasn’t got _____. REVIEW chocolate It's uncountable. any chocolate Language practice Let's get _____. REVIEW chicken It's uncountable. some chicken Language practice We haven't got_____. REVIEW orange It's countable. any oragnes Language practice Have you got _____? REVIEW hamburger It's countable. any hamburgers Has he got _____? Language practice REVIEW cola It's uncountalbe. any cola COMPETITION Round 1 GRAMMAR Fill the blanks with “some” or “any”. 1. - Is there _____ orange juice? - No, there isn't. But there is _____ milk. 2. - Have you got _____ bananas? - Yes, I have got _____. 3. - We haven't got _____ eggs so I can't make egg noodles. - You can make _____ beef noodles. any some any some any some Exercise 4. - What do you like to eat, Jim? - I want to eat _____ meat and potatoes. 5. There isn't _____ water so I drink _____ cola. 6. Are there _____ apples in your bag? any some any some Exercise — Have you got any _____? — Yes, we have./ No, we haven't. Work in pairs. Look at the picture and talk about the food in the fridge. 1 We _____ meat in the fridge. 1) We _____ fish in the fridge. 2) We _____ vegetables in the fridge. 3) We _____ eggs in the fridge. 4) We _____ bananas in the fridge. Write about the food in the fridge. haven’t got any have got some have got some have got some haven’t got any Write about the food in the fridge. 6) We _____ apples in the fridge. 7) We _____ orange juice in the fridge. 8) We _____ milk in the fridge. have got some have got some haven’t got any What food can you see in the picture? apple hamburger orange potato tomato apples hamburgers oranges potatoes tomatoes fish meat rice milk juice chicken water Look at the picture and talk about it. 2 He has got some /a(n)... He has's got any... Look at the picture and talk about it. 2 She has got some / a(n) … She hasn't got any... Look at the picture and talk about it. 2 They have got some/a(n)... They havnen't got any... COMPETITION Round 2 WORDS vegetables bean carrot tomato potato Drinks milk tea coffee water cola juice fish bread hamburger noodles rice chocolate sugar ice cream candy How can we remember them? carrots tomatoes vegetables bananas apples oranges fruit healthy food favourite food FOOD juice water milk healthy drink favourite drink beef chicken mutton meat potatoes Complete the word map. DRINK A word map helps you ... ...

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