
Unit3 What subject do you like best?(Lesson16) 课件(共26张ppt)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:61次 大小:4536832Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版四年下Lesson16 subjects s c i en c e /s/ . Do you like science? Yes,I do.I like it very much. No,I don't. I like ... dr a m a m a Do you study drama? Yes,I do.No.I don’t. Yes,we do.No,we don’t. 书房 学习 sc _ence i a an en sci__ce se ce scien__ en on less__ cc ss le__on le li __sson 1.Li Ming 1. 2.Wang Hong 2. 3.Ding Ding 3. 4.Li Yang 4. A:Hello,_____ B:Hello,_____ A:How many lessons do you have in the morning? B:_____? A:What are they? B:_____ A:Do you like_____? A:Yes,_____./No,_____. A:What subject do you like best? B:_____. Do you like English? How many English lessons do you have in a week? Do you study English? My name is… What’s your name? ANSWER ASK subjects Music Art Science English Chinese Maths PE What’s your name? What subjects do you like? Names Subjects My name is _____.I like _____and_____. I like _____and_____.

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