

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:80次 大小:876245Byte 来源:二一课件通
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I 55 you. I want to be in Shanghai with you now. What are you doing, these days? Write to me please Love Rose 46 A out B of Cat D from 47. A. story B. book C name D. c-mail 48. A play B. slee watc D. cat 49. A. but B so C D. and 50. A. wears B uses C buys D. takcs 51. A. bringing B looking C washing D drinking 52.A terrible B. delicious C. well D good 53 A. even B C still D never 54. A think B. lcan Clike D wish 55.Ahelp B D. need 第二节语法填空(共10小题) 阅读下面短文,在空自处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式快乐阅读第四册P10 Readers is a popular TV show 56 China. It invites many people to read aloud, The show also tells the 57 (story)behind these people. Thcy can_(readeverything like poems, novels and letters. Many people_59_(be)fans of the show. Thcy begin to enjoy 60(read) aloud at home. Now the show 61(give) pcople a good place to read. It is the reading Pavilio (朗读亭). It has shown up in cities like Shanghai, Hangzhou 62 Xi'a May 28, 2018. the reading pavilion, with the theme(t ai)of"Reading for him(or her)", came to the Shanghai Library. People prepared- 64(hey)favorite books, and recorded the reading at the reading pavilion. Each_65_(read) had about 3 minutes to read and record Do you like reading aloud? You can have a try. bot rnd a bHlI,Ac et on al on ol out adet o ovol boil 初英语试题第7页(共10页)

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