
人教版 九年级Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. Section B 课件(共15张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:69次 大小:25300032Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit9 I like music that I can dance to. section B 2a-2e Free talk: Do you like music? How many Chinese musical instruments do you know about? e7d195523061f1c0c2b73831c94a3edc981f60e396d3e182073EE1468018468A7F192AE5E5CD515B6C3125F8AF6E4EE646174E8CF0B46FD19828DCE8CDA3B3A044A74F0E769C5FA8CB87AB6FC303C8BA3785FAC64AF5424764E128FECAE4CC72932BB65C8C121A0F41C1707D94688ED66335DC6AE12288BF2055523C0C26863D2CD4AC454A29EEC183CEF0375334B579 Pre-reading Task 1:Skimming: read the passage and answer the question. e7d195523061f1c0c2b73831c94a3edc981f60e396d3e182073EE1468018468A7F192AE5E5CD515B6C3125F8AF6E4EE646174E8CF0B46FD19828DCE8CDA3B3A044A74F0E769C5FA8CB87AB6FC303C8BA3785FAC64AF5424764E128FECAE4CC72932BB65C8C121A0F41C1707D94688ED66335DC6AE12288BF2055523C0C26863D2CD4AC454A29EEC183CEF0375334B579 While Reading 1.Which musician does the passage mainly talk about? 2.What is the name of his most famous piece of music? 3.How many pieces of music did Abing play? Abing. Erquan Yingyue (Moon Reflected on Second Spring). By the end of his life,he could play over 600 pieces of music. e7d195523061f1c0c2b73831c94a3edc981f60e396d3e182073EE1468018468A7F192AE5E5CD515B6C3125F8AF6E4EE646174E8CF0B46FD19828DCE8CDA3B3A044A74F0E769C5FA8CB87AB6FC303C8BA3785FAC64AF5424764E128FECAE4CC72932BB65C8C121A0F41C1707D94688ED66335DC6AE12288BF2055523C0C26863D2CD4AC454A29EEC183CEF0375334B579 While Reading 4.How many pieces of music that Abing wrote were recorded for us? Only six. 5.How does the writer feel about this piece of music? He feels that it is sad but beautiful, and it not only paints a picture of Abing's own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences. Task2)scanning:use suitable words to complete the main idea of each paragraph.And list the supporting details in each paragraph. e7d195523061f1c0c2b73831c94a3edc981f60e396d3e182073EE1468018468A7F192AE5E5CD515B6C3125F8AF6E4EE646174E8CF0B46FD19828DCE8CDA3B3A044A74F0E769C5FA8CB87AB6FC303C8BA3785FAC64AF5424764E128FECAE4CC72932BB65C8C121A0F41C1707D94688ED66335DC6AE12288BF2055523C0C26863D2CD4AC454A29EEC183CEF0375334B579 While Reading Paragraph Main idea Supporting details 1 I was _____ by a piece of music named Erquan Yingyue. 2 Abing lived a very _____ life. 3 Abing’s musical skills made him very _____. e7d195523061f1c0c2b73831c94a3edc981f60e396d3e182073EE1468018468A7F192AE5E5CD515B6C3125F8AF6E4EE646174E8CF0B46FD19828DCE8CDA3B3A044A74F0E769C5FA8CB87AB6FC303C8BA3785FAC64AF5424764E128FECAE4CC72932BB65C8C121A0F41C1707D94688ED66335DC6AE12288BF2055523C0C26863D2CD4AC454A29EEC183CEF0375334B579 Paragraph Main idea Supporting details 1 I was _____ by a piece of music named Erquan Yingyue. 1. The music was strangely beautiful 2. 3. moved but under the beauty I sensed a strong sadness and pain. It was one of the most moving pieces of music I've ever heard. The erhu sounded so sad that I almost cried along with it as I listened. e7d19552 ... ...

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