
【备考2020】中考英语话题复习 科普知识与现代技术Popular Science and Modern Technology 课件(24ppt)+ 素材、

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:84次 大小:7662611Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 话题十五 Popular Science an Modern Technology 科普知识与现代技术 教材内容: 八上: Unit7 Will people have robots? 九年级:Unit 6 When was it invented?. 复习内容总览 词汇:发明物和科技相关单词 句型和词组:和个人情况有关的句型和词组。 作文:通过思维导图或要点描述物品。 语法:复习引导状语从句连词的用法 复习内容总览 1. What kind of movies does the boy like? A. Cartoons. B. Comedies. C. Action movies. 2. When does the girl go to see the film? A. On Sundays. B. On Thursdays. C. On Saturdays. 3. What is the relationship of the speakers? A. Classmates. B. Son and mother. C. Teacher and student. A: Do you like movies? B: Oh, yes. I love movies and I often go to the movies. A: When do you usually go to movies? B: On Saturdays. It’s enjoyable to see a movie on weekends. A: I seldom go to the movies. What kind of movies do you like? B: Comedies. When I’m bored, I like to see them. A: What else? B: I also like cartoons. Some cartoons are very funny. How about you? A: I like action movies. I often feel excited after seeing action movies. B: Oh, really? I’m afraid I don’t like them. They put me to sleep. Things Made of Made in wood steel glass cotton silk gold silver china grass ...... --What is/are this/these ? -- It's/They're ... --What is/are it/they made of ? -- ...... -- Where was/were it/they made ? --...... America China England Japan Korea Thailand ...... What can the robots do? speak do exercise do housework babysit kids do homework mend machine Will you have your own robots? Why..? Yes,I Will. /No,I won’t. because .... manage nowadays ocean modern delicious seldom method strong compare make Technology plays an important part in our daily life now. Yet not many of us will realize how much we rely on it until we 1 our lives to those in the past. There was no 2 technology at that time, yet the items that people had were quite enough for them to live their lives Without necessar y cooking tooIs, the people could still 3 to make their food as nice as our food today , Animal parts were thrown away if they were not 4 , Others were cooked over the fire. However, everything (they used) was taken from the forests around them. Without the television set, the radio and more importantly, the computer, we will 5 have any fun in our homes today. However, the people in the past had their own clever 6 of enjoying hemselves. For example, they make music without the use of computers but with tools 7 from wood and animal skin Travel was simple at that time. Most of the people were excellent boat makers and they could make boats in a variety of shapes and sizes for travelling along the rivers and in the 8 . With increased skills and experience, the people learnt how to make the boats 9 against rains and storms Some things are basic for us 10 but the people in the past could live their lives to the full even without them. We should not look down on the e wisdom of people long ago . Is there a connection ... ...

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