
专题08 高考英语非谓语填空练习(解析版)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:63次 大小:1222656Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 高考英语非谓语练习(含解析) 1.The _white__building, _____(survive) threats to pull it down, is now a private house in the possession of a retired professor. 2.As the imm_une_sy_stem weakens, it loses the ability _____(fight) illnesses. 3.All the passen_gers,__please put the trash and waste in the plastic bags _____(provide) on your right. 4._____(c_onfirm_) when the flight would take off, you know, I made three calls to the airport but in vain. 5._____(abu_se)_hi_s position as mayor to give jobs to his friends, Williams is now under investigation. 6.The visiting _profes_sor was interested in the teaching methods _____(use) in the classroom. 7.What__is_th_e best way you can imagine _____(reduce) the overuse of water in our school? 8.Tom _got_to_ the hospital in time that day, _____(catch) the first bus. 9._____(save_)_ener_gy, we turn off the lights for Earth Hour on the last Saturday in March. 10.When f_irst_____(introduce) to the market, these new products in their company enjoyed a great success. 11.My daughte_r_stop_ped screaming immediately and looked up at me with tears _____(roll) down her cheeks. The gr_eat_ha_ll was crowded with many people, _____ (include) many children _____ (seat) on their parents laps. It抯 saHYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com" ... ...

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