
Lesson1 At the airport 课件(25张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:14次 大小:3321447Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson1 At the airport 冀教版 六年级上 Lesson1 At the Airport Lesson1: Vocabulary: 词汇 home [h??m] 副词,到家;向家 名词,家 发音:o发/??/ 形近词: come来 some 一些 Canada [?k?n?d?] 名词,加拿大 记忆:3a 发音:1a发/?/ 2a,3a发/?/ 注意:Canadian 加拿大人 learn [l??n] 动词,学习 发音:ear发/??/ 形近词:earn:挣钱 Lesson1: Vocabulary: 词汇 arrive [??ra?v] 动词,到达 发音:a发/ ? / 记忆:a+(r) river clock [kl?k] 名词,钟表 发音:ck发/k/ 扩展:lock 锁上 time [ta?m] 名词,时间 发音:i发/a?/ 形近词:mime:哑剧 Lesson1: Sentence:句型 01 He wants to go to school in Canada. 他想在加拿大上学 句型: 主语+want(s) to do sth 某人想做某事 练一练:用所给单词的适当形式填空 My mother _____(want) a blue sweater. Jenny wants _____(buy) a black hat. Lesson1: Sentence:句型 02 What time is it now?. It’s ten past ten. 现在几点了?现在10点10分。 注意: What time:特殊疑问词,几点 对具体点钟提问。 30分钟以内,用past: A past B: A点过B分 练一练:用英文写出下列时间: _____ _____ Lesson1: Sentence:句型 03 Did you have a good trip? 你旅途愉快吗? 句型: Did+主语+动词原形+其它? 一般过去时的一般疑问句 回答: Yes, 主语(人称代词主格)did. No, 主语(人称代词主格) didn’t. 练一练:英汉互译 01 上周你打篮球了吗? _____ 02 昨天你去上学了吗? _____ Lesson1 :情景表达: text 01 Li Ming arrives today! This is our friend Li Ming. Li Ming lives in China. He is coming to Canada! He wants to go to school in Canada. He wants to learn English! Li Ming arrives today! Today is September 1. He will go home on June 25. That’s ten months! 详解: live in China:住在中国 ;大地点前面用in live at home: 住在家里 :小地点前面用at He is coming to Canada. 他要来加拿大了. 用现在进行时表示将来 He will go home on June 25. will+动词原形: 将会做某事 go home:回家,注意,不用go to June 25:具体日期前面用介词on Lesson1 :情景表达: text练习 单项选择: 1.My mum _____ to buy a sweater for me. A want B wants C enjoys 2.He lives _____ the station. And he is poor. A at B in C on 3. Jenny will _____ home next week. A goes B go C to go 4. Her birthday is _____ July 3. A in B at C on 5. Li Ming arrives _____ today. A at B in C / Lesson1 :情景表达: text练习 答案解析: 1.My mum _____ to buy a sweater for me. A want B wants C enjoys 2.He lives _____ the station. And he is poor. A at B in C on 3. Jenny will _____ home next week. A goes B go C to go 4. Her birthday is _____ July 3. A in B at C on 5. Li Ming arrives _____ today. A at B in C / Lesson1 :text:文章 look at+宾语:看… half past four: 4点半;half past+数字:几点半 点钟前面用时间介词at Lesson1 :text:文章 There he is. 他在那儿! There be句型,当主语是人称代词主格时,不需要倒装 辨析 look , see look强调看的动作,加at后加宾语 see强调看的结果,即看见,直接加宾语 Lesson1 :text:文章 Let’s +动词原形 go home:回家,注意不加介词to too,副词,也,多用于肯定句句末,且前面用逗号隔开 Lesson1: Let’s do it! Read Part1 and Part2. Answer the questions: a: How long will Li Ming be in Canada? _____ b: When will Li Ming go hom ... ...

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