
Unit5 Housework 课件(27张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:51次 大小:2667149Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit5 Housework 闽教版 六年级上 Unit5 Housework 学习目标 重点单词:housework dirty sock box bedroom floor water plant toilet等 重点词组:make the bed / clean the room/ wash my clothes/ water the flowers等 掌握重点句型: Whose dirty socks are those They’re Ben’s.等 掌握重要语法:名词所有格,祈使句 Vocabulary:词汇 sock /s k/袜子 bedroom /bedru:m/卧室 floor /fl / 地板 box /b ks/ 盒子 water /'w t / 浇水 plant /plɑ nt/ 浇水 phrase:词组 make the bed 铺床 clean the room打扫房间 wash my clothes洗衣服 water the flowers 浇花 pick up 捡起,拾起 clean the toilet 打扫厕所 词汇练习 选择不同类的一项: 1.( )A those B these C this 2.( )A song B sing C dance 3.( )A toy B glasses C socks 4.( )A this B that C these 5.( )A they B us C them 选择不同类的一项: 1.( )A those B these C this 2.( )A song B sing C dance 3.( )A toy B glasses C socks 4.( )A this B that C these 5.( )A they B us C them 作对题目的感觉… Part A:text M: Hello, kids. Let’s do some housework together. S: OK. M: Whose dirty socks are those S: I think they’re Ben’s. M: Put them in the washing machine. B: Yes, Mom. M: Kate. Are those your toys K : Yes, they are. M: Put them in the box, Kate. K: All right. 加油呦 要点解析: 01:Whose dirty socks are those they’re Ben’s 这些是谁的脏袜子?这是Ben的 询问物品的所属关系,用特殊疑问词Whose, 谁的, 回答时要用名词所有格。 名词所有格:一般有生命的名词,后面直接加“‘s’” 以s结尾的名词,后面加“ ‘ ” 没有生命的名词,一般会用of所有格 02: Are those your toys Yes, they are. 用these或those问,用they回答。 用this或that问,用it回答。 03 Put them in the washing machine. 祈使句,put sth in :把…放进….里面 语法精讲:代词 6类代词肩并肩, (人称,物主,指示,反身,疑问,不定代词) 人称代词分主宾, (I me ,he him, she her, it it, we us, they them ) 句首动前用主格,(人称代词主格作主语) 动后介后用宾格,(人称代词宾格作宾语) 物主代词分形名,(形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词) 无名则名有名形,(形代+名词;名代后面不加名词) 其它代词慢慢学, 首学两类要记清。 趁热打铁 单项选择: _____skirt is this A Whose B Who C Whom 2. Are _____your socks A this B those C that 3. Put_____ in the box. A they B their C them 4. This schoolbag is_____. A mine B my C me 别说话了,我要做题 单项选择: _____skirt is this A Whose B Who C Whom 2. Are _____your socks A this B those C that 3. Put_____ in the box. A they B their C them 4. This schoolbag is_____. A mine B my C me 你记好了吗?反正我听明白了 Part B:text M: Now clean your bedroom, Kate. First make the bed. Then pick up the toys on the floor. K: Yes, Mom. M: Can you water the plants, Ben B: OK, It’s a piece of cake. M: Good boy! B: Mom, these flowers are beautiful. M: Yes, they are. I like them. M: Come here, Sally. Please help me clean the toilet. S: Yes, Mom. M: Good girl. 练 习 部 分 做题使我精神焕发 一、按要求写单词: 1. this (复数形式)_____ 2. those(单数形式)_____ 3. who(物主代词)_____ 4. they (宾格)_____ 5. dress(复数)_____ 题目 ... ...

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