
广东省广州市荔湾区2019-2020第二学期五年级英语期末测试 (扫描版,无答案,无听力音频及材料)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:75次 大小:1148416Byte 来源:二一课件通
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9学年第二学期 小学五年级英语期末水平测试卷 (本卷共6页,满分100分,70分钟内完成) 听力部分(40分) 听句子三次,找到句子含有的信息,在答题卡上把字母编号涂黑。(15 分) 1. A. ski B. sk C. skate 2. A. traff B. troubl B user ting 4. A gate B. date 5.A B C. safety 6.A B. ta carefu cross C candy 8. A. straight B. st 9.A. next Sunday B this Sunday C next Saturday 10. A. post office B. train station C. police station 二、听句子三次,判断句子的意思是否与图意相符,如相符,请在答题卡上把 ”涂黑,否则把“F”涂黑。(10分) Bens plan 37 March I this month] 11.()12.()13.( )15.() 顾和园 park 16.()17.()18.()|19 )|20.( 三、听谚语三次,根据发音规则,选出正确的单词,在答题卡上把其大写字母 编号涂黑。(5分) 21. A good (A. fox B. fame) is better than a good face (美名胜过美貌。) 22. There is no (A.endB. mend)to learning.(学无止境。 23. Dont put the (A. code B.cat) before the horse.(套车之前备好马。) d 24. A friend in need is a ne (A. bleed B. indeed).(患难之交才是真朋友。) 25. Nothing is (A. stolen B.sel) without hands.(无风不起浪。) 五年级英语第1页(共6页) 四、听对话和问题三次,选择最佳答句,在答题卡上把其大写字母涂黑。(5分) 26. A People wear warm clothes B. People wear coats C. People wear T-shirts and sh lorts 27. A. Go straight ahead. Take the second left. It is on the rig ht B. Go straight ahead. Take the first left. It is on the right C. Go straight ahead. Take the second left. It is on the left 28. A. Yes. she wil B No. she wont. C. Yes, she is 29. A. He is going to Xinjiang with his family by plane B. He is going to stay in Xinjiang with his family for ten days C. He is going to Xinjiang with his family this vinter holiday. 30. A. Because she cuts herself B. Because she is cleaning the floor C. Because the floor is wet 五、听短文三次,在答题卡的横线上写单词,把信息补充完整。(5分) ame Wh ere How When What Janet Haikou by ship July 26th/play on the 31 and camp under the stars Jack Beijing by plane August visit the Great Wall and Wangfujing 32 33 Mike Shenzhen August llth visit Window of the World and 34. shopping 35 Lushan Mountain and Chen Yi Jiujiang by car August 15m boat on Poyang Lake 读写部分(60分) 、请在答题卡的横线上写出与圆中心单词相关的词语,并选择你写的其中 个词语在答题卡的横线上造句。(7分) 37 travel season 46 45 造句:48 五年级英语第2页(共6页)

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