

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:57次 大小:29408Byte 来源:二一课件通
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抓好开篇、结题点睛之笔~应用文小便条 1. 得知你对中国古诗感兴趣很是高兴,特写信邀请你来观看CAPC。(邀请) More than delighted to know that you are interested in Chinese Ancient Poetry, I am here writing to invite you to watch the CAPC. 默写:_____ _____ 改写:_____ _____ 期待您的参与。Looking forward to your participation. 默写:_____ 改写:_____ 2. 得知你对线上学习感兴趣,写信告诉你具体细节。(告知) Knowing that you are enthusiastic about e-learning, I’m writing here to tell you some details about it. 默写:_____ _____ 改写:_____ _____ 希望我的介绍对你有所帮助。 Hopefully, my introduction would be of great help to you. 默写:_____ 改写:_____ 比赛将如期于五月一日上午八时至十一时在教学楼201室举行。(活动开展的时间地点) As scheduled, the competition will be held in Room 201 of the Teaching Building, from 8 a.m to 11 a.m on May 1. 默写:_____ _____ 改写:_____ _____ 3. 最近怎么样?写信向你寻求帮助,希望你能帮我写封暑期工作的求职信。(求助) How are you doing lately? I’m writing here to seek your assistance in the hope that you can help me with my application letter for a summer job. 默写:_____ _____ 改写:_____ _____ 要能帮我,我将不胜感激。 I would appreciate it if you could give me a hand. 默写:_____ 改写:_____ 4. 看到广告感觉这正是我想做的,特此申请。(申请) Having read the advertisement, I feel it the very thing I like to do, so I am writing to apply for the job. 默写:_____ _____ 改写:_____ _____ 如蒙惠顾,将不胜感激。 It would be appreciated if you could take me into account. 默写:_____ 改写:_____ 5. 看到广告很感兴趣,特此询问有关事宜(咨询) Having read your advertisement, I feel interested in voluntary work, so I am wondering if it is possible for you to provide me with some specific information regarding your advertisement. 默写:_____ _____ 改写:_____ _____ 期待早日回复。 Looking forward to your early reply. 默写:_____ 改写:_____ 6. 很高兴收到你的来信,针对你的询问,分享我的建议。(建议) Extremely delighted to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well,I am writing here to share my suggestions as follows. 默写:_____ _____ 改写:_____ _____ 希望我的建议对你有所帮助。 I do hope you will find my suggestions beneficial to you and make great progress in Chinese. 默写:_____ 改写:_____ 7. 我写信是想对你说对不起,因为我下周不能和你一起去北京了,为此感到抱歉。(道歉) Terribly sorry to tell you that I can’t go to Beijing with you next week, I am here writing to sincerely apologize to you. 默写:_____ _____ 改写:_____ _____ 请接受我再次诚挚的歉意。Once again, please accept my sincere apology. 默写:_____ 改写:_____ 8. 我写信祝贺你被牛津大学录取。(祝贺) I am writing here to congratulate you on your being admitted to Oxford University. 默写:_____ _____ 改写:_____ _____ 再次表示忠心的祝贺。Once again, send my wholehearted congratulations to you. 默写:_____ 改写:_____ 9. 我写信是为了表达我对你邀请我参加钢琴音乐会的衷心感谢。(感谢) I am writing here to show my sincere gratitude to you for inviting ... ...

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