
江西省高安市2019-2020学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试题(扫描版 含听力音频+答案 无听力材料)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:12次 大小:8999676Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    初二期末英语试题卷参考答案 一. 听力测试 1-8 ABACC/BAC 9-10 AC 11-12 AB 13-15 CBA 16-18 BAB 19-22 ACBB 23-27. cousin/concert/excited/singers/thirty 二.单项选择。 CCADDABB 三. 完形填空 A) BCADB BCBAD DACCA B) from/role/army/her/also/received/hours/most popular/meanings/to be 四.阅读理解 61-63 CBD 64-67 ADBD 68-71 BCDA 72-75 BDDC 76-80 GEDBA 五.补全对话 DEBGC find Moby Dick, a very large whale. Well. i love detective stories Last month I read The Stolen Letter. The writer brings me Simon into the story of his characters'lives. He also introduces a sense of mystery in the story. It keeps me interested until the very end of the story (.)61. The rabbits in the book rabbits in australia A. are very cute B. are in small numbers cause a problem D. find it hard to live in australia )62. Moby Dick is a A. rabbit B whale C. detective story D. writer )63. What may the passage be? A Ameeting notice B Anew report C. An animal story. D. A book report. B Once upon a time in denmark(t ), there was a man named Franz. Franz lived a good life all year long, until one night. That evening, a group of monsters came to his house. The monsters made poor Franz leave his house and took up the place for the night This went on for many years on the same night ever year until a man visited the house. The man Just caught a large tiger and planned to give it to the king of Denmark. The man had a long journey and asked Franz if he and the tiger cou ld spend the night I would let you stay, "said Franz, " but I can't, for every year at this time the monsters visited me at night. They will be here tonight. Oh, said the man. "I am not afraid of monsters. If you are worried about this, let me stay in the house The tiger can sleep under the stove there. I will sleep in the back. At night, the monsters arrived. They stormed into the house and saw the tiger. The monsters were scared They shouted and ran for their lives When the terrible evening arrived once again the next year, Franz expected the monsters to come again He prepared food for them. After a few minutes, he heard a voice calling "Franz! Franz! Do you still have the tiger?” Franz thought for a minute. Then, he said yes. The monsters didn't come again from then on )64. What problem did Franz have? A. Some monsters visited him on the same night every year. B. aman wanted to take up his house. C. He didnt get enough food for himself. D. No one came to visit him so he felt lonely )65. Who is the bravest in the passage? :1: s A. franz B. The monsters C. The tiger D. The man )66. What does the underlined word "it"in the second paragraph refer to? A. The monster B The tiger C. Franz 's house D Along joumey 初二英语第3

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